If you like GIF Construction Set Professional and you find it useful, you are requested to register it. The current registration fee is $20.00 - plus $5.00 shipping if you'd like the latest version sent to you on CD-ROM. This will entitle you to telephone support, notification of updates, a free copy of the latest version of this software and other worthwhile things. It will also avail you of a registration number to shut off the closing beg notice. More to the point, though, it'll make you feel good. We've not infested GIF Construction Set with excessive beg notices, crippled it or had it verbally insult you after ten days. We trust you to support this software if you like it.

When you register GIF Construction Set, you will be e-mailed your registration code as soon as your order is processed. Enter your code into a downloaded copy of GIF Construction Set and it will become a registered copy, identical to what you would receive on CD-ROM. If you want to save the $5.00 shipping fee, select the NO SHIPPING option when you order. Note that absolutely nothing is shipped for NO SHIPPING orders - not even a receipt.

If you want to see additional features in GIF Construction Set, register it. If we had an Arcturian mega-dollar for everyone who has said they'd most certainly register their copy if we'd add just one more thing to it, we could buy ourselves a universe and retire.

NOTE: Should you fail to support this program and continue to use it, a leather winged demon of the night will tear itself, shrieking blood and fury, from the endless caverns of the nether world, hurl itself into the darkness with a thirst for blood on its slavering fangs and search the very threads of time for the throbbing of your heartbeat. Just thought you'd want to know that.

Order On Line

You can order on line at our web page or visit our main page at and click on any of the blue key icons, shown here, to access the secure server.

Order by Phone

Call our toll-free order desk at 1-800-263-1138 from Canada and the United States. Call 0800-89-7355 from Great Britain. Call 1-800-554-082 from Australia. Callers from other countries can reach the order desk at 1-905-936-9500. The order desk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

NOTE: The order desk only takes credit card orders. They cannot provide you with order status, modify or cancel previously submitted orders, provide product information or help you out with technical support. They cannot transfer you to someone who can. See the section of this document on Contacting Alchemy Mindworks if you need to get in touch with us for something other than ordering.

Order by FAX

You can FAX your order to 1-905-936-9502. Please use the order form included with this software. Note that because the order form is a Windows WordPad document, rather than an HTML document, your web browser may display a security warning when you select this link. This is normal, and can be ignored.

Order by Snail-mail

You can mail your order to:

Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
P.O. Box 500
Beeton, Ontario
L0G 1A0

Please use the order form included with this software.

If you're paying by a cheque drawn on a bank outside North America, please be sure to make your cheque payable in US dollars. Your cheque must have the address of a North American clearing office and a bank transit number printed on it. Please do not send us Eurocheques - they cannot be cleared outside Europe.

Note that when you send us your order - and then when we send you your software - two distinct post offices get to deal with the ensuing mail. It can take a few weeks for things to get through this system - we ask that you be patient. We don't fully understand why it takes less time for a package to get to Australia than it does to send one to Cleveland. Some things are best left as mysteries.

Paying by Plastic

We can accept credit card payments by:

Registration Fee

Canadian users: The registration fee for GIF Construction Set Professional is $20.00 (CDN) plus seven percent GST, plus $5.00 shipping, or $26.40. We sincerely regret collecting this tax on behalf of several levels of government which will only squander it. If you sincerely regret having to pay it, we urge you to express your regret by voting in the next federal and provincial elections.

American users: The registration fee for GIF Construction Set Professional is $20.00 (US) plus $5.00 shipping.

Other users: The registration fee for GIF Construction Set Professional is $20.00 (US) plus $5.00 shipping.

Payment from countries outside Canada must be in US dollars. Please note that we are not able to accept purchase orders. We cannot ship software COD.

All orders are processed immediately. Please see the Terms, Conditions and Legal Dogma document included with this software for complete ordering details and all the stuff the lawyers made us say.

Update Policy

Having registered GIF Construction Set Professional, you're welcome to download the current shareware version whenever you like and install it. It will locate your existing registration code and become a registered copy. All the 2.0 series releases of GIF Construction Set Professional are free downloadable upgrades for registered users of the GIF Construction Set Professional software.

We invite you to add your e-mail address to the e-mail update list at our web page, - you'll be notified by e-mail wherever we update GIF Construction Set.

Upgrading From GIF Construction Set Classic

Because of the extremely low cost of GIF Construction Set, we are not offering a reduced-cost upgrade path to registered users of the 1.0-series "classic" software.

NOTE: GIF Construction Set Classic registration codes will not work in GIF Construction Set Professional.

Free Upgrades for Recently Registered Copies

If you have registered a copy of GIF Construction Set Classic within the last 30 days, you are welcome to a free GIF Construction Set Professional registration code. It can be installed in the downloaded software to turn it into a registered copy. Note that we will not ship media for free codes.

In order to obtain your free code, you must complete the following form and e-mail it to with the message heading GCSPRO UPDATE CODE. This form will be processed by a robot - if you modify the form or fail to provide the required information exactly as the robot expects it, the robot will scratch its empty tin head and reject your request. The robot is limited to three attempts per user to process the form.

We are unable to provide you with the information required to complete this form. Don't ask. We are unable to provide upgrade codes for copies of GIF Construction Set Classic purchased through resellers or overseas distributors. We are unable to process code requests by any media other than e-mail. Our order desk operators are unable to assist you with free upgrade codes.

Do not include the green dashed lines at the beginning and end of the form in your e-mail message.

------------- THE FORM BEGINS HERE -------------
;GIF Construction Set Professional Update Registration Code Request
; This must be your name as you provided it when you ordered
; GIF Construction Set
; This must be your street address as you provided it when you
; ordered GIF Construction Set
; This must be your town or city as you provided it when you
; ordered GIF Construction Set
; This must be your province or state as you provided it when you
; ordered GIF Construction Set
; This must be your post code or ZIP code as you provided it when
; you ordered GIF Construction Set
; This must be your telephone number as you provided it when you
; ordered GIF Construction Set
; This must be the date when you ordered GIF Construction Set, in the
; form DDMMYY. For example, April 1, 1998 would be entered as 010498
; This date must be no more than 30 days prior to the day you
; e-mail us this form
; This must be your order number, as stated on your invoice or in
; the e-mail message you received confirming your order for
; GIF Construction Set Classic
; This must be the name you registered GIF Construction Set to if it
; differs from the NAME field above. If you registered Graphic
; Workshop to your own name, leave this field bank
------------- THE FORM ENDS HERE -------------

Contacting Alchemy Mindworks

The best way to get in touch with us is by e-mail to Except in conditions of flood, famine or mental-health days, our e-mail is answered within a few hours.

Technical support and customer service are available at 1-905-936-9501, 10:00am to 5:00pm EST most business days. If you encounter our answering machine - it does happen occasionally - please try back later. One of the considerations in offering very low cost software is that we are unable to return calls for technical support.

If you are an unregistered user of this software, we will at our discretion assist you to the extent required for you to ascertain whether this software is suitable for your application.

Callers who are rude, abusive or pig-headed with our technical support staff will wind up as demon-chow.

Please do not call our 800 number for technical support. The people who answer our sales line can put a credit card machine into warp drive, but they know less about software than most cats know about quantum mechanics. They are unable to transfer your call.

You can contact us by snail-mail at:

Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
P.O. Box 500
Beeton, Ontario
L0G 1A0

Our FAX number is 1-905-936-9502.

We are unable to provide technical support by FAX or snail-mail.

The fabled Alchemy Mindworks BBS - poor, barnacle-encrusted antique that it was - has finally bit the dust. Alchemy Mindworks no longer maintains a BBS.

We ask that in contacting us you appreciate that we are a small company with limited resources. If you have not registered this software we will not tell you to go to hell, but please don't ask us for half an hour of free technical support. We have not built the price of technical support into the cost of GIF Construction Set, as few users require it. We believe very strongly in not making everyone pay for something that only a small group needs. If our various governments felt the same way, our various economies wouldn't be in the midst of melting down.

Overseas Distributors

Britain: The Public Domain & Shareware Library Ltd., Winscombe House, Beacon Road, Crowborough, Sussex, TN6 1UL, England, telephone 0892 663298, FAX 0892 667473, BBS 0892 661149.

Czech Republic: JIMAZ s.r.o., Hermanova 37, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic Telephone: +42-2-379-498, FAX: +42-2-378-103.

Germany: Der PD-Profi, Schulstraáe 13, D-86666, Burgheim-Wengen, Telephone 8432-1296, FAX 8432-8674

Holland, Belium and Luxembourg: CD & E Computerservices, Watercirkel 79, 1186 LP Amstelveen, Telephone 020-6438106, FAX 020-6438106, e-mail,

Japan: P. & A. Shareware: 1-3-6-2 Kamisuna, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan 190, Tel: 0425-35-9901, Fax: 0425-35-9902, NiftyServe: PAF02461, email:, Web:

This document and all the other documentation included with GIF Construction Set Professional is copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Alchemy Mindworks Inc. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part or transmitted in any form save as a component part of the GIF Construction Set Professional software without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Unauthorized use of this document or any portion thereof may result in severe criminal and civil penalties. Alchemy Mindworks Inc. accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense caused by your use of the information in this document, however it occurs.