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- Start-up Folder: When you open (or make new), then
this is the location the open/new dialog starts.
- System Default: Current Directory.
- Last Open Archive: as name suggests.
- Folder: Select your own directory.
- Temporary Folder: location of the temporary folder,
this should normally be left to 'System Default', unless you
get an error message at startup of WinJar saying that you should
change it.
- #Recent Entries: Specify the number of entries you
want as recent entries. Maximum of 10, minimum of 1.
Options used when adding files to an archive.
- Default Add Folder: When the add dialog opens; then
this is where the directory is.
- Load "default.wjs" at first start: This
will make WinJar load the settings file "default.wjs"
(located with the WinJar executable) the first time the add dialog
is started (each of the two add dialogs are independent of each
REMARK: Are there any other JAR options/switches that
can be moved to the configuration? If so mail me. The ones that
are here probably will be moved here in the next version.
Options used when extracting files from an archive.
- Default Extract Options: When extracting file this
is the location the directory in the Extract dialog points to.
REMARK: Are there any other JAR options/switches that
can be moved to the configuration? If so mail me. The one that
is here will probably be added in the next version.
Things that have something to do with the registry.
- Associate to: ".j" or ".jar" files. Select
the ones that you want to use (default both on) and press to
save to associate right-away or wait until you exit the configuration
dialog with "OK". Associations are checked each time
WinJar starts and updated presuming you have selected
Check Associations.
- Allow Drag: Allow dragging of toolbars.
- Flat Buttons: Use flat (dynamic) buttons.
- Large Buttons: Use large buttons.
- Limit to one row: Limit the toolbars to a single row,
instead of multiple rows.
Which Toolbars ?
Choose which toolbars you want to be shown.
- JAR32.exe: Enter the full path and filename of JAR32.exe,
it must be JAR32 and NOT JAR16 (16-bit version). Also
should the Jar.cfg file be in the location of that executable.
- Registered Version: Check this if the Jar32 executable
is a registered version, uncheck if not. When you open an archive
and WinJar finds out the used is version, then WinJar changes
this to the correct value.
- Show Dosbox: When unchecked, WinJar won’t show
a dosbox when doing one of the following operations: Add/Extract/Delete/Test.
WinJar will NEVER show a dosbox when opening a JAR archive. Advantage
is that Dos is not started, so just a 32-bit program is started
up. It also looks more like internal Jarring/Unjarring. Disadvantage
is that the "Assume Yes On All" is always ON and also
"Query On Each File" cannot be used. I recommend you
leave this option checked, unless you start a large operation
and want to watch what Jar is doing, unfortunately when a error
happens then you cannot see it, because the dosbox will be closed
by then. This options can also be changed in the Add, Extract
and Delete dialogs.
- Use Internal JAR Check: When checked, WinJar will
use the algorithm described in the JAR technotes.doc, for checking
if a file is a JAR archive. There is no CRC check unfortunately.
If not checked it will just try and open it, with a error message
if it was not a JAR archive. The best thing is to leave it checked,
because it's faster, but if you are absolutely sure some file
is a JAR archive and it won't open because this check says it
is not (because of a crc error?) then you can uncheck it.
- Jar32 priority: Set the priority WinJar uses to start
Jar32.exe. Available are Normal and High. Read the readme.txt
for Realtime/Time-Critical.
In this section I will try to describe something about chapters.
You can read about chapter in the jar.doc. Support for chapters
is a bit limited.
TO-DO: write some more about chapters
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