In Windows 95, all you need to do is to copy MARVOSYM.TTF into the directory C:\WINDOWS\FONTS. Alternatively, you can follow the menu path Start / Settings / Control Panel / Fonts / File / Install New Font. In Windows 3, you need to install the font from Main / Control Panel / Fonts / Add. In Windows NT 4, begin with My Computer / Control Panel / Fonts / File / Install New Font.
Why is the download file named .zip?
The file is a compressed archive. It contains the font file marvosym.ttf and some text files (for example descriptions for bulletin board systems and a complete list of all symbols in a RTF file). To open the archive you need a program like UNZIP (free)
or WINZIP (shareware).
Windows 95 does not display any new fonts!
There is a system menu item to install new fonts (see above). Sometimes Windows 95 loses the information that C:\WINDOWS\FONTS is a system folder and this item disappears. Additionally, the Windows Explorer shows the file names instead of the font names in this directory. The utility program TUNEUP97 (German instructions) should be able to sort out this error.
On which key can I find the original EC Euro character?
It isn't actually available from a single key-press. If you are in Windows 95/98 or Windows NT, and you can switch to the Martin Vogel's Symbols font, then you should hold down the Alt key, type 0164 on the numeric key-pad on the right, then release the Alt key. The Euro currency symbol should now appear.
I did this, but I got a little crown (the International Currency Symbol) - what now?
You're nearly there. You are probably in the wrong font. Highlight the little crown and change the font to Martin Vogel's Symbols, and the Euro symbol should appear instead.
Is there another way of getting the Euro currency symbol?
Since the text editor Word is fairly widespread, Windows users could try this: In Insert / Symbol / Symbols / Font change the font to Martin Vogel's Symbols. The original Euro currency symbol is found on the fifth row down, eight characters from the right. Highlight it then click on Insert. (Sorry the characters are so small!) If you wish to assign a shortcut key for the Euro currency symbol, you could do so. For example, if you do not use End Notes, try using Ctrl+E.
I can't find the MARVOSYM font in Word, and half of my other fonts have disappeared!
This is probably a Word and/or Windows 95 "feature" that appears independently of the installation of a font. Try deleting and reinstalling your printer driver รป if you're lucky, you should find the fonts return.
I can't find any TrueType fonts at all in Word!
And you don't have a printer either, is that correct?
So what?
If you haven't defined a printer driver, you won't see any fonts. You need to have a printer driver to be able to get any output from Word.
My old spread sheet program does not support more than one font in a cell. Still worse, it only supports the currency "DM"!
If you can change the font of the whole cell, there is hope for you: The character string "DM" will be rendered as Euro currency symbol in marvosym.ttf.
Why is your font free?
Because I just wanted to have a bit of weekend fun dabbling at font design! I didn't think anyone other than me would want it, and I am a bit surprised at the download count. :-)
I would love to have my company's logo and my signature made into a TrueType font...
You can have a lot of fun with the Softy program.
Does the font work on Apple Macintosh computers?
My one doesn't. There is a True Type Converter program which runs on the Macintosh and translates Windows fonts to Mac fonts. Also MacCampus have released a free font with the Euro symbol in Type 1 and TrueType formats. And Adobe have three PostScript Euro fonts for free download.