AxMan Fax Order Form

(Fax to 425 - 392 - 0223)

Please provide the following information:

Product               AxMan                                

Name (First and last)                                                   


Street address                                                 


State / Province                                                 

Zip / Postal Code                                                 


Phone number                                                 

Email address**                                                 


Name on card                                                 

Type of credit card***                                                 

Card Number                                                 

Expiration Date (Month and Year)                                                 

* - You may leave the company field blank if you are registering this as a personal copy.

** - This is the email address that you want your registration information sent to.   Please make sure that you enter this correctly or we will be unable to deliver the registration information to you.

*** - Visa, Mastercard, Amercian Express, and Discover(Novus) accepted

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