This Readme file contains late-breaking or other information that supplements the Connection Manager Administration Kit Guide.
Welcome to the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK).
Please print and read all information contained in this Readme file and the Connection Manager Readme (Readme.txt). After installing the Connection Manager Administration Kit, please read the Connection Manager Administration Kit Guide. These documents contain critical information for ensuring proper installation and use of the product.
If you have animations in any service profiles created using previous versions of Connection Manager, the animation settings are preserved but, after upgrading to Connection Manager 1.2, you must do the following additional steps to retain your animations in your service profiles:
Be sure to obtain an appropriate license for redistribution.
The MacromediaFlashInstaller.exe name should be a maximum of 8 characters.
If you want to add an animation to a new service profile:
[Connection Manager]
[Animated Logo]
[Animation Actions]
See the Connection Manager Administration Kit Guide for more information on editing entries in service profile files, including the parameter for the movie and information on how to specify animation actions to support a sequence of frames. Animations built with older versions of Macromedia code do not display correctly with current versions of the display engine. If your animations show white borders on the left and right sides, add Scale=ExactFit to the [Animated Logo] section of the CMS file. Always test your animations on every operating system that you support.
For the known issues with Connection Manager 1.2, see Readme.txt (in the \Program Files\CMAK\Support\ folder). The Readme.txt file is distributed with your service profile only when you specify in the CMAK wizard that the Connection Manager software is to be included in the service profile. Edit the Readme.txt file as appropriate before building your service profile. For example, you may want to edit the Connection Manager system requirements (to reflect the total size of your service profile) and the user procedures (templates for which are found in the Connection Manager Administration Kit Guide).
For help in using the Connection Manager Administration Kit, read the Connection Manager Administration Kit Guide and related documentation.
(C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
These materials are provided 'as-is' for informational purposes only.
Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the content of these materials or the accuracy of any information contained herein, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you.
Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers shall have any liability for any damages whatsoever including consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, and lost profits. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you. In any event, Microsoft's and its suppliers' entire liability in any manner arising out of these materials, whether by tort, contract, or otherwise shall not exceed the suggested retail price of these materials.