These settings are available because you downloaded Outlook Express. You can specify the mail and news servers here and specify whether you will require users to log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access a server.
Choose mail server type
Select the protocol that your mail servers are running. You can choose POP3, used by most Internet subscribers for e-mail, or IMAP, used mainly by corporate users who want to read their e-mail from a remote location. POP3 servers allow access to a single inbox, while IMAP servers provide access to multiple server-side folders.
Incoming mail server
Type the fully qualified server address in the text box (for example, Then, click Log on using SPA (Secure Password Authentication) if your POP3 or IMAP server requires authentication via an SSPI provider such as NTLM.
Outgoing mail (SMTP) server
An SMTP server is the outgoing mail server. In some cases, the SMTP server may have the same name as your POP3 server (for example, Type the fully qualified SMTP server address in the text box. Then, click Log on using SPA (Secure Password Authentication) if your SMTP server requires authentication via an SSPI provider such as NTLM.
Internet news server
The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is the protocol used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and to NNTP clients (news readers) on the Internet. Type the NNTP address in the text box (for example, Then, click Log on using SPA (Secure Password Authentication) if your NNTP server requires authentication via an SSPI provider such as NTLM.
You can use these options to lock down account settings for your users. When users set up their accounts, such as mail and news, those accounts will be configured using the restrictions you specify here.
Make all preconfigured accounts read-only
Select this option to create account settings that can be viewed, but not modified, by users.
Prevent deletion of all preconfigured accounts
Select this option to prevent users from deleting accounts that you have preconfigured for them.
Prevent configuration of additional accounts for users with preconfigured accounts
Select this option to prevent users from creating additional accounts in addition to the preconfigured accounts created for them. This option is recommended for corporate administrators only.