If you use an animated bitmap, the first frame appears as static when no action is taking place in the browser; the remaining frames appear as animated when the browser is in use.
To use your own animated logo, you must provide two animated bitmaps; one should be 22-by-22 pixels and the other 38-by-38 pixels.
Type the paths of the small and large custom animated bitmaps in the boxes provided. Sample animated bitmaps are available in the IEAK Toolkit, which was installed in the \Ieak\Toolkit folder on your hard disk when you installed the IEAK.
If you use a static bitmap, it will appear as static whether or not any action is taking place in the browser. To use your own static logo, you must provide two bitmaps; one should be 22-by-22 pixels and the other 38-by-38 pixels.
Type the paths of the small and large custom static bitmaps in the boxes in this panel.