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Main Window

This is the main screen of WinJar. I will explain all the parts of the screen top to bottom.

Main Menu





Main Toolbar

A Word 97 look-a-like toolbar. Can be docked/undocked, can be left/right/top/bottom of the ListView. You can turn captions on or off (=large or small buttons).

There are three parts:

  1. File operations: new, open, etc.
  2. Archive operation: add/extract/delete/etc from the open archive.
  3. Configuration/Help: Configuration, fonts, help and about.

Main ListView

This is where the files that are in an archive, are listed.

Press on the header for sorting. Drag and drop a header to rearrange the order of the displayed information (no longer available in from version 2.2). Select files just you do always in Windows 95/NT, with SHIFT/CTRL and click or with keys (space/ctrl/shift/key up/down etc).

Click this ListView when you want to abort an operation.

Via main menu you can select and deselect all files.

Main Listbox

This is used to display:

Main statusbar

Statusbar displays, the following information:

  1. Number of files in archive.
  2. Real (unpacked) size of all those files in the archive.
  3. Compression ratio
  4. Selected file(s) info.

Clicking the status bar when WinJar is executing JAR, results in asking whether or not you want to terminated that operation.

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Copyright 1997-1999 R. Janssen