object MailOptionsForm: TMailOptionsForm Tag = 249 Left = 188 Top = 190 HelpContext = 10 ActiveControl = Button1 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Message Properties' ClientHeight = 323 ClientWidth = 385 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Position = poScreenCenter OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 282 Width = 373 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label4: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 276 Width = 63 Height = 13 Caption = 'Phoenix Mail ' Enabled = False end object Bevel5: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 214 Width = 369 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label10: TLabel Tag = 319 Left = 8 Top = 208 Width = 68 Height = 13 Caption = 'Help on the fly' end object Label2: TLabel Tag = 182 Left = 28 Top = 24 Width = 273 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'The message text can be edited in the main window.' end object Bevel7: TBevel Left = 8 Top = 10 Width = 369 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label3: TLabel Tag = 213 Left = 8 Top = 4 Width = 37 Height = 13 Caption = 'General' end object Bevel8: TBevel Left = 302 Top = 16 Width = 75 Height = 27 end object SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton Tag = -216 Left = 303 Top = 17 Width = 25 Height = 25 Hint = 'View and change settings of the mail sender.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD80000000000000DD88888888888 880DD8FFFFFFFFFFF80DD80FFF777FFF080DD8F0F70007F0F80DD8FF00FFF07F F80DD8FF0FFFFF07F80DD8F0FFFFFFF0780DD80FFFFFFFFF080DD8FFFFFFFFFF F00DD88888888888880DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton2Click end object SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton Tag = -217 Left = 327 Top = 17 Width = 25 Height = 25 Hint = 'View and change settings of the mail receiver.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { CA010000424DCA01000000000000760000002800000022000000110000000100 04000000000054010000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDD00020000000000000000DDD77777777777777FDD01 6D027FFFFFFFFFFFF0DDD7FFDDDDDDDDDD7FDD01040277FFFFFFFFFF70DDD77D FDDDDDDDD77FDD72B0817F7FFFFFFFF7F0DDD7F7DFDDFFFF7F7FFF0004007FF7 FF0000000000D7FD7DF7777777777F012D017FFF777BFFFBFFF0D7FDD777FDDD DDDD7F014D017FF7887FFBFFFBF0D7FD7DD7FDDFFFFD7F0104027F7EFE7BF777 7FF0D7F7DDD7FD7777DD7F00020077EFEF7FFBFFFBF0D77FDDD7FDDFFFFF7F09 B081D78EFE7BF77777F0DD7DFDD7FD77777D7F000200DD78EF7FFBFFFBF0DDD7 DFD7FDDFFFFD7F001701DDD78E7BF7777FF0DDDD7DF7FD7777DD7F011701DDDD 787FFBFFFBF0DDDDD7D7FDDFFFFF7F001701DDDDD77BF77777F0DDDDDD77FD77 777D7F001302DDDDDD7FFBFFFBF0DDDDDDD7FFFFFFFF7F001C03DDDDDD777777 7770DDDDDDD7777777777D04B081} NumGlyphs = 2 OnClick = SpeedButton3Click end object SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton Tag = -218 Left = 351 Top = 17 Width = 25 Height = 25 Hint = 'View and change additional settings of the mail.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000120B0000120B00001000000010000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00D00000000000 00DDD8777777777770DDD8BFFFBFFFBF70DDD8F88888888F70DDD8BFFFBFFFBF 70DDD8F88888888F70DDD8BFFFBFFFBF70DDD8F88888888F70DDD8BFFFBFFFBF 70DDD8F88888888F70DDD8BFFFBFFFBF70DDD8F88888888F70DDD8BFFFBFFFBF 70DDD8F88888888F70DDD8BFFFBFFFBF70DDD8888888888880DD} OnClick = SpeedButton4Click end object Button1: TButton Tag = -227 Left = 212 Top = 292 Width = 81 Height = 25 Hint = 'Close this dialog saving changes.' Caption = '&OK' Default = True TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Button1Click end object Button2: TButton Tag = -228 Left = 298 Top = 292 Width = 81 Height = 25 Hint = 'Close this dialog discarding changes.' Cancel = True Caption = '&Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end object Notebook1: TNotebook Left = 8 Top = 44 Width = 369 Height = 165 TabOrder = 2 object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Sender/Receiver' object Label19: TLabel Tag = 252 Left = 20 Top = 144 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = '&Priority:' end object Label17: TLabel Tag = 251 Left = 20 Top = 116 Width = 49 Height = 13 Caption = '&Keywords:' FocusControl = Edit6 end object Label16: TLabel Tag = 250 Left = 20 Top = 88 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = 'S&ubject:' FocusControl = Edit5 end object Bevel3: TBevel Left = -4 Top = 74 Width = 369 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label8: TLabel Tag = 215 Left = 0 Top = 68 Width = 53 Height = 13 Caption = 'Description' end object Notebook2: TNotebook Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 369 Height = 69 Align = alTop Ctl3D = True ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 0 object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Receiver' object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 6 Width = 369 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label7: TLabel Tag = 214 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 43 Height = 13 Caption = 'Receiver' end object SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton Tag = -219 Left = 20 Top = 16 Width = 52 Height = 17 Hint = 'Switch between the receiver, the carbon copy receiver and the bl' + 'ind carbon copy receiver.' Caption = 'To' OnClick = SpeedButton6Click end object Notebook3: TNotebook Left = 72 Top = 16 Width = 297 Height = 53 TabOrder = 0 object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'To' object SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton Tag = -221 Left = 271 Top = 0 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Get the receiver address from your address book.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001111087710D100111188888771018181118AA80 8700D18A8118AA81080DD8AA8888AA81100D8AAAAAAAAA81110D8AAAAAAAA811 100DD8AA888881100DDDDD8A8D18110DDDDDDDD8DDD10DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton5Click end object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton Tag = -222 Left = 271 Top = 21 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Add the receiver address to your address book.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001881087710D100118AA8108771018118AAAA810 8700D188AAAAAA81080DDD1888AA8811100DDDD188AA8111110D888888AA8111 100D8AAAAAAA81100DDD8AAAAAA8110DDDDD888888810DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton1Click end object Memo1: TMemo Tag = -220 Left = 4 Top = 0 Width = 265 Height = 49 Hint = 'The addresses of the receivers: One line per receiver. If there ' + 'are additional information about the receiver, the mail address ' + 'must be in '#39'<>'#39' brackets, e.g: Mr Smith ' ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False OnChange = Memo3Change end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'CC' object SpeedButton7: TSpeedButton Tag = -230 Left = 271 Top = 0 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Get the carbon copy receiver address from your address book.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001111087710D100111188888771018181118AA80 8700D18A8118AA81080DD8AA8888AA81100D8AAAAAAAAA81110D8AAAAAAAA811 100DD8AA888881100DDDDD8A8D18110DDDDDDDD8DDD10DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton7Click end object SpeedButton13: TSpeedButton Tag = -231 Left = 271 Top = 21 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Add the receiver address to your address book.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001881087710D100118AA8108771018118AAAA810 8700D188AAAAAA81080DDD1888AA8811100DDDD188AA8111110D888888AA8111 100D8AAAAAAA81100DDD8AAAAAA8110DDDDD888888810DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton13Click end object Memo2: TMemo Tag = -229 Left = 4 Top = 0 Width = 265 Height = 49 Hint = 'The addresses of the carbon copy receivers: One line per receive' + 'r. If there are additional information about the receiver the ma' + 'il address must be in '#39'<>'#39' brackets.' ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False OnChange = Memo3Change end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'BCC' object SpeedButton9: TSpeedButton Tag = -233 Left = 271 Top = 0 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Get the blind carbon copy receiver address from your address boo' + 'k.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001111087710D100111188888771018181118AA80 8700D18A8118AA81080DD8AA8888AA81100D8AAAAAAAAA81110D8AAAAAAAA811 100DD8AA888881100DDDDD8A8D18110DDDDDDDD8DDD10DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton9Click end object SpeedButton14: TSpeedButton Tag = -234 Left = 271 Top = 21 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Add the blind carbon copy receiver address to your address book.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001881087710D100118AA8108771018118AAAA810 8700D188AAAAAA81080DDD1888AA8811100DDDD188AA8111110D888888AA8111 100D8AAAAAAA81100DDD8AAAAAA8110DDDDD888888810DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton14Click end object Memo3: TMemo Tag = -232 Left = 4 Top = 0 Width = 265 Height = 49 Hint = 'The addresses of the blind carbon copy receivers: There names wi' + 'll not be shown to the normal receivers. One line per receiver.' ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False OnChange = Memo3Change end end end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Sender' object Label6: TLabel Tag = 241 Left = 19 Top = 20 Width = 26 Height = 13 Caption = '&From:' FocusControl = ComboBox2 end object Label13: TLabel Tag = 242 Left = 20 Top = 48 Width = 26 Height = 13 Caption = '&Date:' FocusControl = DateTimePicker1 end object SpeedButton8: TSpeedButton Tag = -240 Left = 344 Top = 16 Width = 22 Height = 22 Hint = 'Add the sender address to your address book.' Flat = True Glyph.Data = { F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100 04000000000080000000C40E0000C40E00001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDD00DDD DDDDDDDDD00810DDDDDDDDD0087F710DDDDDD0087FF87710DDDD087FF8808771 0DDD18F88001087710DD188001881087710D100118AA8108771018118AAAA810 8700D188AAAAAA81080DDD1888AA8811100DDDD188AA8111110D888888AA8111 100D8AAAAAAA81100DDD8AAAAAA8110DDDDD888888810DDDDDDD} OnClick = SpeedButton8Click end object Bevel4: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 6 Width = 369 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label9: TLabel Tag = 236 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 34 Height = 13 Caption = 'Sender' end object Label14: TLabel Tag = 243 Left = 172 Top = 48 Width = 26 Height = 13 Caption = '&Time:' FocusControl = DateTimePicker2 end object DateTimePicker1: TDateTimePicker Tag = -238 Left = 76 Top = 44 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'The date when the mail was written.' CalAlignment = dtaLeft Date = 36001.969349074080000000 Time = 36001.969349074080000000 DateFormat = dfShort DateMode = dmComboBox Kind = dtkDate ParseInput = False OnChange = Memo3Change end object DateTimePicker2: TDateTimePicker Tag = -239 Left = 204 Top = 44 Width = 69 Height = 21 Hint = 'The time when the mail was written.' CalAlignment = dtaLeft Date = 36001.969420949080000000 Time = 36001.969420949080000000 DateFormat = dfShort DateMode = dmComboBox Kind = dtkTime ParseInput = False OnChange = Memo3Change end object ComboBox2: TComboBox Tag = -235 Left = 76 Top = 16 Width = 265 Height = 21 Hint = 'The address of the sender: If there are additional information a' + 'bout the sender, the mail address must be in '#39'<>'#39' brackets, e.g:' + ' Mr Smith ' ItemHeight = 13 Sorted = True TabOrder = 0 OnChange = Memo3Change end end end object Edit5: TEdit Tag = -223 Left = 76 Top = 84 Width = 265 Height = 21 Hint = 'The subject of the mail.' TabOrder = 1 OnChange = Memo3Change end object Edit6: TEdit Tag = -224 Left = 76 Top = 112 Width = 265 Height = 21 Hint = 'Keywords which will help the mail program to identify the mail a' + 'nd to sort it to the right folder.' TabOrder = 2 OnChange = Memo3Change end object ComboBox1: TComboBoxEx Tag = -225 Left = 76 Top = 140 Width = 105 Height = 22 Hint = 'The priority of the mail. It has nothing to do with the sending ' + 'speed. It is only shown to influence the reader.' Values.Strings = ( 'low' 'normal' 'high') ImgIndexes.Strings = ( '9' '10' '11') ShowImages = True DropDownCount = 10 ItemHeight = 16 Items.Strings = ( 'Low' 'Normal' 'High') TabOrder = 3 OnChange = Memo3Change end end object TPage Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Additional' object Bevel6: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 6 Width = 369 Height = 5 Shape = bsTopLine end object Label15: TLabel Tag = 244 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 73 Height = 13 Caption = 'Additional fields' end object SpeedButton10: TSpeedButton Tag = -246 Left = 20 Top = 136 Width = 89 Height = 25 Hint = 'Add a line to the grid.' Caption = 'Add Field' OnClick = SpeedButton10Click end object SpeedButton11: TSpeedButton Tag = -247 Left = 112 Top = 136 Width = 89 Height = 25 Hint = 'Delete a field from the grid.' Caption = 'Delete Field' OnClick = SpeedButton11Click end object StringGrid1: TStringGrid Tag = -245 Left = 20 Top = 16 Width = 345 Height = 115 Hint = 'Mail header fields. All fields, which can not be directly edited' + ' in Phoenix Mail.' ColCount = 2 DefaultColWidth = 120 DefaultRowHeight = 17 FixedCols = 0 RowCount = 12 Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect, goColSizing, goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor] TabOrder = 0 OnSetEditText = StringGrid1SetEditText ColWidths = ( 111 211) end end end object Panel3: TPanel Left = 28 Top = 226 Width = 345 Height = 45 BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 3 OnClick = Label11Click object Image2: TImage Left = 2 Top = 6 Width = 32 Height = 32 Picture.Data = {} Transparent = True OnClick = Label11Click end object Label11: TLabel Tag = -226 Left = 36 Top = 2 Width = 306 Height = 41 Hint = 'Move the cursor over a control, where you need help. The help te' + 'xt will be shown here.' AutoSize = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clInfoText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False WordWrap = True OnClick = Label11Click end end object FlyOverControl1: TFlyOverControl OnControlChange = FlyOverControl1ControlChange Left = 112 Top = 276 end end