3 FINGERS' "CRUSHER BENCHMARK DEMO TEST" FOR QUAKE 2 7/14/98 *you must be using Quake 2 version 3.10 or higher. Files Included: Readme.txt crusher.dm2 The "Crusher Benchmark Demo Test" is a 34 player Deathmatch Demo to 75 Frags on the Final Showdown (Boss2 Map that comes w/ Quake2). This demo will present the absolute worst conditions that you would likely encounter in multi-player Quake2 gaming. The purpose of this demo is to test your system under the worst conditions so you will know how your system will perform when the shit hits the fan in multi-player. Maximum FPU and Particles are presented through most of the demo. So, whatever result you get on the Crusher Timedemo, will likely be about the lowest framerate you would ever see under the worst conditions in multi-player. If you think the Massive1.dm2 was tough on your system, you ain't seen nothing yet. (hehe) INSTRUCTIONS You will need to make a new folder named "demos" in the "baseq2" subdirectory if one is not already there. The path of the folder will be quake2/baseq2/demos Put the "crusher.dm2" file into the "demos" folder. You should disable V Sycn to get an accurate test of your 3D card. If V Sync is not disabled, your timedemo results will never exceed your monitor refresh rate setting. If you are using a Voodoo II, go to your "control panel/display/voodoo II/advanced tab" and place a check mark in the "Don't synch buffer swaps to monitor refresh rate for glide" box and hit "OK". To disable V Sync when using a Voodoo 1, add the below command variables to your Quake 2 batch file or autoexec.bat. Reboot if adding them to your autoexec.bat. Don't confuse the autoexec.bat with your autoexec.cfg. The autoexec.bat is most likely on your "C" drive (root directory). c:\autoexec.bat SET FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL=0 SET SST_SWAP_EN_WAIT_ON_VSYNC=0 SOUND Do Not disable sound during timedemos if you are tweaking your system for the best performance to improve your gameplay. Disabling sound will give an unrealistic high timedemo result. If you are benchmarking and comparing video cards or systems, then disable sound. RUNNING THE CRUSHER TIMEDEMO To test your FPS (frames per second) start Quake 2 and at the console type: disconnect timedemo 1 map crusher.dm2 The demo will now run fast and will take a minute or so to complete. Once it stops and a few seconds after the final player score is displayed, it will display a number with "FPS" beside it. This is your average "Frames Per Second" during the course of the Demo. The higher the number the better. Since a fluid image begins to deteriorate below 30fps, target results would be 30fps or higher, but this will only be achieved on higher end systems with Voodoo II boards. Run the demo a few times as the texture loading on the first run may give an innaccurate timedemo result. After completing your timedemo testing. Type at the console: timedemo 0 This will turn off the timedemo mode. If you forget to turn off the timedemo mode and start a game, your game will run very fast like a timedemo. If you just want to watch the demo at normal speed. Type at the console: disconnect timedemo 0 (only if you previously entered timedemo 1) map crusher.dm2 MY TIMEDEMO AND TWEAKING RESULTS I am include my results to show what a difference tweaking makes in those critical heavy combat moments. With the regular timedemo like demo1.dm2, the moments of engagement are such a very small percentage of the overall demo that you really don't see much of an effect from changing settings. But since the "Crusher" is basically all engagement, you see the true effect of tweaks. Check out the below: Crusher Timedemo w/ default clock (90MHz) and low quality sound. V Sync Off. PII400 w/128MB RAM Dual Creative Labs 3D Blaster Voodoo II 12MB SLI Highest Visual Quality Autoexec.cfg- http://www.ve3d.net/3Fingers/BestV2.zip 1024x768-27.8fps 800x600-30.2fps 640x480-30.3fps High Performance Autoexec.cfg from Quake2 Tweak Guide- http://www.ve3d.net/3Fingers/Q2Tweak.ZIP 1024x768-46.0fps 800x600-53.5fps 640x480-53.9fps High Performance Autoexec.cfg from Quake 2 Tweak Guide w/ Particles Off 1024x768-53.4fps 800x600-64.2fps 640x480-64.2fps You see you can double your framerate in those critical moments when it really counts. During engagement is when you see the serious drop in framerate. The more players firing, the lower it drops. Turning off dynamic lighting boosted the framerate 15-20FPS on the Crusher Timedemo. I am not recommending anyone use any certain tweak. Visual quality is very important to some players. Use what you feel comfortable with for your playing style. FOR A 25%-50% Increase In FPS: You Can Download The Latest Version Of "The 3 Fingers' Quake 2 Tweak Guide" At: http://www.voodooextreme.com/3Fingers/ Enjoy, Brett "3 Fingers" Jacobs bjacobs@home.com DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this Benchmark is purely for testing your system and does not represent my skills in deathmatch while recording this demo. I used "God Mode", "Unlimited Ammo" and "Give All" to record the demo. The reason I did this is because I wanted to make sure maximum FPU and Particles were presented during the course of the demo. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purley coincidental. The names were changed to protect the innocent. Copyright 1998 3 Fingers' Quake2 Crusher Benchmark. All Rights Reserved.