Easy Com 01-15-99 BT Avance Systems H O T C L I C K S Today's Free File Weekly Top 10 PC Magazine utilities Easy Com provides a simple, attractive way to communicate with peripheral devices such as a modem, printer, LCD-display, hand-held computer, smart card-reader, or any other type of serial device. Whether you need to send the device some instructions or want to try the device's functionality so that you can write a program for it, Easy Com can be a big help. You'll have full control over what strings you transmit to the device, and you'll see exactly what the device is transmitting back to you, including which signals are toggled during the communication. The input/output buffer may be analyzed in detail, character by character, and you can print and save it to an ordinary text file. Easy Com can also be used as a line monitor, listening in on communication between two devices. Although you could use Windows HyperTerminal to do some of this, Easy Com offers increased functionality and a top-notch interface. Try it for free for 30 days. Reviewed on Jan 18 1999. System Requirements Windows 95, 98, or NT Purchase Information Shareware: Free to try, $50 if you decide to keep it. look in basket See Related Titles Rating Version Number 2.0 Downloads to Date 9,211 Compressed Size 696,118 bytes