NavÜtivte nßs

ZOO Brno was opened 30.8.1953 with glory. ZOO is situated on 65 ha of land - Monk`s mountain in Brno - Bystrc. These days ZOO rears more than 500 animals of 132 kinds. Conteporary manager is MVDr. Martin Hovorka (since 1997).

Open hours
November - February 8░░ - 16░░
March - April 8░░ - 17░░
May - August 8░░ - 18░░
September - October 8░░ - 17░░

Pavillions and cash-desks close one hour befor closing time of ZOO.

Entrance fee
Adults 30,-Kc
rodinnΘ vstupnΘ (2 dosp∞lφ, 3 d∞ti) 75,-Kc
Pensioners, children under 15 y 15,-Kc
children under 3 years free

Tram No. 1, 3, 11
Bus No. 50, 54

Part of ZOO Brno is
everlasting aquarium exposition in the Radnicka street nb. 6.

Open hours
Mo close
Tue - Fri 9.30 - 17.30
Sat - Sun 9.30 - 16.30

Entrance fee
Family 40,-Kc
Adults 20,-Kc
Pensioners, studies,
children under 15 years
Children under 6 years free

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
webmaster: Ceska vydavatelska pro internet, s. r. o. /