Scientific Activity

The National Technical Museum takes care of a permanent progress in studying the field of history of sciences and technology. It pays attention to the research related to description and professional classification of the collection fund in the form of collection catalogues. Regular seminars are devoted to analytical studies of technological development, their outcomes being published in Treatises of National Technical Museum , Transactions of National Technical Museum and Acta historiae rerum naturalium.
The main scientific target consists in systematic coverage of development of technology in Bohemia and Moravia. Four volumes of the Studies in technology in Czech lands (NTM 1983-1986) were already published. They cover the development from the early 19th century till creating the independent Czechoslovak state. In the end of 1995, the National Technical Museum published another two volumes of Studies covering the period 1918-1945 and preparatory works began on compiling the development of technique and technology in the Czech lands from the end of World War II to the dividing of Czechoslovakia in 1992. In addition to paying their attention to domestic development, respective Museum specialists are also studying the problems of world development of science and technology. They publish their works in domestic and foreign journals, are invited to international congresses and meetings in the field of history of science and technology, and act also as officials in international bodies in this field.
The Museum also participates in organizing important international meetings in the field of science and technology, e.g. the regular symposia Agricola's followers devoted to the development in mining or the symposium on historical scientific instruments (1995), the symposium Mysterium Cosmographicum 1596-1996 or 200 years of lithography (1996).
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Jaroslav Folta ,