National Technical Museum
in the collaboration with the
Czech society of the industrial chemistry
Scientific group for the history of the chemical industry
XL. Seminary on the history of the chemical industry and
the 147. meeting of the Scientific group for the history of
the chemical industry
The session will be held on Thursday, April 24 at 10 a.m. in the
National Technical Museum
Programme :
- 1. History of the production of the explosives
lectured by Ludek Holub
- 2. Semtex and plastic explosive agent,
lectured by Stanislav Brebera
- 3. The military and industrial explosive agents
lecturd by Vladimir Pesata
- 4. The explosives and their iniciators
lecturd by Jiri Strnad
- 5. 147. public meeting of the Scientific group for the history of
the chemical industry
We are looking forward to meet you.
Ing. Miloslava Zdarska - NTM , Ing. Ludek Holub - chairman OS ,
Ing. Marketa Blahova - secretary of CSPCH