The hereditaments of architects deposited in the Archive of architecture of the National Technical Museum have been systematically collected, as completes if possible, since beginnings of the Museum. The author index of their files contains the following famous as well as less known names: AMENA Tomas (combined file with Quido BELSKY), BABUSKA Milan, BALCAREK Milan (combined file with Karel KOPP), BALSANEK Antonin, BARVITIUS Antonin Viktor, BELADA Antonin, BENDELMAYER Bedrich, BRAF Antonin, CECHNER Antonin, CENSKY Alois, CERMAK Frantisek (combined file with Gustav PAUL), CERNY Frantisek Maria, DRYAK Alois, ENGEL Antonin, FANTA Josef, FEUERSTEIN Bedrich, FRAGNER Jaroslav, FUCHS Bohuslav, GILLAR Jan, GOCAR Josef, GREGR Vladimir, HAUSENBLAS Josef, HESOUN Josef, HILBERT Kamil, HLAVKA Josef, HLOUSEK Antonin, HNILICKA Eduard, HOLY Bohumil, HUBSCHMANN (HYPSMAN) Bohumil, CHOCHOL Josef, JANAK Pavel, JECH Frantisek, KABAT Beno, KEJR Zdenek, KLENKA z Vlastimilu, Richard, KOLATOR Vaclav, KOPECKY Vaclav, KOSAKOVA Zdenka, KOTAS Karel, KOTETA Jan, KOULA Jan, KOULA Jan.E., KOZAK Bohumir, KRANNER Josef Ondrej, KRALIK Emil, KROHA Jiri, KRIZ Josef, KRIZENECKY Rudolf, KUBICEK Alois, KVASNICKA Vilem, KYSELA Ludvik, LABLER Ludvik, LIBRA Frantisek Albert, LINHART Evzen, LIMAN Karel, MACHON Ladislav (combined file with Augusta MULLEROVA), MANSBARTH Jan, MAYER Jan, MANDL Antonin, MEZERA Alois, MOCKER Josef, NIKLAS Josef, NOVOTNY Otakar, NULL Eduard van der, OBRTEL Vit, OHMANN Friedrich, PAVLIKOVA- PETRIKOVA Milada, PECANEK Karel, PESANEK Zdenek, PETRIK Theodor, PILC Alois, PLECNIK Josip, PODHAJSKY Frantisek, PODHAJSKY Josef, POLIVKA Jaroslav, POLIVKA Osvald (combined file with Lev LAUERMANN), ROITH Frantisek, ROSKOT Kamil, ROSTIK Karel, ROSTLAPIL Josef, ROSSLER Jaroslav, RECHKA Leonard Jan, SAKAR Josef, SANDER Frantisek, SCHMORANZ Frantisek, SCHMORANZ Jan, SCHUBERT Zdenek R. von Soldern, SCHULZ Josef, SICARDSBURG August von, SKRIVANEK Ladislav, STEFAN Oldrich, STIBRAL Jiri, STOCKAR Rudolf, STRANIK Karel, SIDLIK Karel, SLAPETA Lubomir, STEPANEK Josef, SULC Viktorin, TYL Oldrich, ULLMANN Ignac, VAHALA Frantisek, VANECEK Milos, VEJRYCH Jan, VLASAK Josef, WIEHL Antonin, ZAZVORKA Jan, ZEYER Josef, ZITEK Josef, ZRALY Vaclav, ZAK Ladislav.
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