Tender locomotive Type XIVe

The tender locomotive of the type XIVe No.4 of track gauge 800 mm was made by the locomotive factory Krauss & Co. in Munich in 1884 with the serial number 1576. New boiler with the number 1616 was supplied in 1924 by the engineering joint-stock company, former Breitfeld, Danek i spol. in Slany. The locomotive was first used on the factory railway of Vojtesska Metallurgical Plant of the Prague Iron Works, later Steel Works Kladno. In 1981 to 1985 it was renovated and was exhibited at the EXPO'86 in Vancouver. Technical specification: axle arrangement B, duplex steam engine with external flat slide valves on cylinders and external valve gear Stephenson, hand lever brake with double-side braking of the second driving wheel set.
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