Aerroplane Bleriot XI
Bleriot XI
The aeroplane Bleriot XI, now included in the collections of
the National Technical Museum, was used by ing. Jan Kaspar
in his first long-distance flights in the history of Czech
aeronautics. J.Kaspar constructed the plane according to
a well known French design in 1910 in Pardubice and, after
shorter flights, he realized the first one-hundred-
kilometre flight from Pardubice to Prague.
Technical specification:
One-seat single-engine monoplane with classical tail areas,
engine: liquid-cooled four-cylinder Aerodaimler of the power
output 70 HP, wing span 928 cm, length 834 cm, weight
325 kg, speed 100 km/h.
Tomas Kucera , iso@ntm.anet.cz