New media

Multimedia presentation of the NTM

The project of a multimedia presentation of the institute consists in equipping the vestibule and individual exhibitions with multimedia information kiosks, which are meant to be used as publicly accessible terminals.

The chosen touch-screen system should be, considering the visitors-users, especially children and youth, the "most durable" and least fragile communication system.

The software solution of the kiosk: the WEB technologies, which are used on the Internet, i.e. the communication protocol TCP/IP, the hypertext format HTML. The basis is written, graphic and sound information about the museum, its history, its collections, documentation centers etc. The text structure of the information comes from the Internet information about the museum and will be prepared parallel in Czech and in English. The interactive multimedia character of the transmitted information allows distinct orientation around the museum and in case of interest also a deeper understanding of the chosen problem.

The kiosk with the WEB technology allows also to connect to the central Intranet. For the Intranet WEB services is being used the Internet Information Server.

The goal is to create an Intranet, that is the interconnecting of all the multimedia kiosks in exhibitions of the National Technical Museum and in the entrance hall of the museum.

Assumed financial costs: 1,5 mil Czech crowns.

 Home page NTM  Radio Prague