Prof. Ing. arch. Dr.techn. MILAN BABUSKA

(* 28. 11. 1884, Dubi u Kladna, + 17. 10. 1953, Prague)
He spent his childhood in Unhost, after studies at a technical secondary school in Rakovnik he studied architecture at the Prague Technical University. He was exceptionally musically talented and together with architecture he studied violin playing.
Before the World War I, he was shortly employed as an architect. He was promoted to a professorship at the technical college in Jaromer and, at the same time, he practised as a self-employed designer. He took part in several competitions, i.a. he won with his design of the building of the institute for mental defective children in Chotebor.
During the World War I, he moved from the technical college in Jaromer to the technical college of civil engineering in Prague where he practised till 1923. Then, he was fully engaged in design activities.
Prof. Babuska was specialized mainly on designs of schools and industrial buildings and during his live he realized more than two hundred designs. A relatively small part of his activity was devoted to family houses. He designed the industrial buildings of the steel works in Podbrezova and a complex of buildings for the Masaryk underground mine in Brestany near Most. In 1937, at the time of danger to the republic, he designed, together with his team, 28 buildings for the army airport near Trencin within three months. His most famous realized construction have remained the buildings of the Technical and Agricultural Museums in Prague.

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