from Researchers' Rules
of the reading room of the National Technical Museum in Prague

1) General provisions:
The reading room of NTM provides the following services:

a) ready-for-use library in the reading room
b) card catalogues - in decimal classification according to names and subjects
c) professional advice from library or archive staff, elaboration of a background research
d) making xerox copies with the staff assistance or ordering photo or scanner copies
e) studies of archival documents (manuscripts, files, plans, firm prints)
f) studies of picture and sound carriers in the Media Library (audio, video, computer)

2) On-site character of the reading room:
All study facilities of NTM have an on-site character. All publications, archival documents, picture, sound and information carriers are lent exclusively within the building.

3) User of reading room:
The reading room can only be used by a person who guarantees proper returning of borrowed materials and who sticks to the Researchers' Rules. Each Czech or foreign national can become a user on providing a valid personal identification card and filling-in a registration form. On this basis and against a fee he/she will receive a researcher's card entitling him/her to enter free of charge the Museum and to visit the reading room for a particular period of time. The researcher's card is either of a long-time type for one calendar year or of a short-time type for one month. In case of the long-time card a researcher's fee is 50 Kc (pensioners and students 20 Kc). The fee for the short-time card is 5 Kc. On each visit, a reader is obliged to show this card.

4) The reading room is open Tuesdays through Fridays 9AM to 4PM. The Media Library is open Tuesdays through Fridays 9-12AM and 1-4PM. If any of these days is a holiday the reading room is closed.

5) Catalogues
A user of the reading room (researcher) can use the name or the systematic catalogue (decimal classification) for finding a study material, the ready-for-use library is at free disposal for him/her. The catalogues and inventories of archival files and collections are not at free disposal, a researcher can look into them under assistance of the archive staff. These catalogues are not located in the study room but in the staff offices.

6) Making copies, reproductions, photographs: A researcher in the reading room can order against a fee a copy of the studied material but this possibility is limited to such a material that cannot be damaged during copying. Making copies of precious old prints or archival documents is not permitted. The copies are made by xerox, photography or scanner.

Price list of copying and reproduction works:
1. Xerox
xerox size A 4 3 Kc
double-sided 4 Kc
xerox size A 3 5 Kc
double-sided 7 Kc

2. Photography
1 print size 13 x 18 cm 50 Kc
1 print size 18 x 24 cm 70 Kc
1 print size 24 x 30 cm 110 Kc
1 print larger than 24 x 30 150 Kc
Blow-ups or contact copies from original negatives of NTM
1 print size 13 x 18 cm 80 Kc
1 print size 18 x 24 cm 130 Kc
1 print size 24 x 3O cm 200 Kc
1 print size 30 x 40 cm 250 Kc
In case of photographic reproductions the negatives remain the NTM property.

3. Scanning (performed in Media Library)
a) print of digitalized photography size A4:
special paper, black/white or colour photo 30 Kc
transparent or white foil Zweckform, black/white or colour photo 100 Kc
b) scanning an original into size A4 black/white or colour:
researcher receives the carrier according to c) and d) 40 Kc
c) floppy disk 3.5"1.44MB (FD price incl.data stored) 50 Kc
d) disk ZIP 100 MB (disk price incl. data stored) 900 Kc
e) computer data (BMP etc.) - 1 MB (digitalized photography etc. on carriers according to c) and d) excl. b)) 15 Kc
f) access to Internet via modem and CESNET network (charge for each begun 15 minutes of access to the network) 80 Kc/hod

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