Apple peeler, made from castings of gray iron, USA 1878
Household appliances
The collection contains about 2500 predominantly small
objects. Its beginnings can be dated back into the period
soon after founding the Museum in 1908. However, a principal
step forward was made by taking over the collection of
technical expedients and devices for household and various
crafts from the former Czech Industrial Museum in 1944. The
founder of this museum was Czech patriot Vojta Naprstek. In
1848, he fled to USA where he came across with and advanced
technique of aids and equipment for households and various
crafts. The collection is unique in providing an outline of
technical outfit of households since the second half of
19th century.
It currently comprises kitchen machines and different
facilities and tools, cooking devices and flat irons
operated on spirit, kerosene, gas and electricity, heating
devices and equipment for warm water preparation, kitchen
mixers (American from the 20s of this century and
a development series of domestic machines), electric vacuum
cleaners, washing machines, freezers and refrigerators.
Worth particular attention from among older objects is a set
of machines for peeling and processing fruits. Another
interesting field is represented by washing machines where
the series of about forty exhibits provides a uniform
outline of gradual improving of these products from wooden
hand-driven devices, via American washing machines from the
20s to the types used in Central Europe till the income of
automatic machines. The time horizon of most objects is
limited by the 60s of this century.
Zdenek Reinhardt , iso@ntm.anet.cz