Decorative cast ironwork

The collection of decorative cast ironwork has been compiled in the NTM since its founding in 1908. The collection comprises over 700 inventory numbers and is based on the collections of products from the Iron Works in Komarov and Blansko donated to the Museum in the late 20s of this century. Gradually, castings from other Czech and Moravian foundries were obtained (Novy Jachymov, Klabava, Marianske udoli u Olomouce, and others). The collection documents the level of decorative iron casting during the period of 100 years from the early 19th century to the 1930s, development of technology and changes in contemporary taste of bourgeois society. It is divided into groups of objects of the same character and way of application. These are: fire-place slabs and stoves, embossments, plaques, lockets, medals, ornamental sculptures, decorative and daily-use objects (lamps, candelabras, frames, inkstands, barrels, boxes, vases, plates, trays), highly appreciated jewels comparable with products of famous Prussian foundries, construction and funeral cast iron, kitchen aids (baking forms, flat irons, mortars), objects related to production technology (forms, models). The oldest exhibit, which is also an example of beginnings of artistic forming of cast-iron products, is the stove plate with a picture of the parable on a rich man and poor Lazarus from the second half of 16th century according to Hessian modeller Phillip Soldan. Items of the highest artistic value and technologically most sophisticated are the products from the mid-19th century coming from the iron works of counts Vrbna from Horovice (today the iron works in Komarov) which provide the best possibility of tracing the penetration of domestic and foreign (especially Prussian) originals as well as the beginnings of modern industrial design.

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Irena Laboutkova ,