Microscope, Producer Josef Goerner, Prague 1776
The first physical instruments were acquired into the
collection in 1911. In the mid-40s the collection contained
about 150 objects. A great increase in number of items came
in 1949 and during the 50s. The collections include, above
all, demonstrating and educating aids, experimental
instruments and instruments of practical use. The
instruments originate from the period of 18th - 20th
centuries. The collection of physics is divided into the
following groups: mechanics, acoustics, optics, thermique,
electricity and magnetism, meteorology and quantum physics.
The collection of physics comprises almost 1300 objects.
Interesting items of the collection are historically
precious meteorological instruments from the observatory of
Prague Klementinum and a collection of mercury barometers.
The largest group in the physical collection is devoted to
electricity. A high quality collection of microscopes
contains more than 100 pieces. Dominating in the collection
of measures and weights are sets of half-an-ounce weights,
e.g. the set from Augsburg from around 1725. The collection
contains also several Czech inventions, for instance, the
first polarograph by Heyrovsky from 1924 and a prototype of
the equipment for production of contact lenses by Otto
Wichterle from the early 60s.
Antonin Svejda , iso@ntm.anet.cz