These files compose a major part of the archive. They contain personal hereditaments, a smaller part includes files of industrial enterprises, institutions and societies. Time span of the files ranges from the 18th to 20th centuries, the whole archival documents comprise 750 inventory numbers, about 950 running metres. The personal files contain hereditaments of distinguished personalities of science, technology, technical education, entrepreneurs active in Bohemia and Moravia, for instance F. J. and F. A. Gerstners, J. and R. Bozeks, J. Ressel (fragment of hereditaments), F. Krizik, V. Klement, I. Etrich, J. Kaspar, R. Barta, K. V. Zenger, J. Hrabak, B. Nedoma, and others. The files of companies contain, for instance, official documents of the textile factory Cosmanos from the early 19th century. Independent parts of the archive of NTM represent the aviation and railway archives. They contain documents from the history of aviation and railways on the territory of the Czech Republic with respect to world developments. Time span of the documents covers the 19th and 20th centuries. The files include collections of drawings and photographs, personal documents, identification cards, letters, diaries, diplomas, remembrances, instruction books and manuals for use and maintenance of aeroplanes and their engines, companies° leaflets, and prints, technical documentation, standards, statistical calculations of aeroplanes, etc. The total collection represents about 300 r.m. and 5500 drawings from the field of aeronautics and 50 r.m. and 1800 drawings from the field of railway transport.
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