Japonsk² denφk 23 (Ze spoleΦnosti), 11. 1.
Tenhle dopis je asi uplne ze vsech ten nejnetradicnejsi. Neni ani tak
moc o me, ani tak moc o Japonsku, taky ho spousta z vas asi nebude moc
precist a taky jsem ho ani tak moc nepsala ja (jen jsem opsala par myslenek).
Obavam se, ze jsem svymu bratrovi pripravila par pernych chvil, az se rodicove
a pribuzenstvo budou dozadovat prekladu.
To je holt zivot: "Gambate" brasko.
Gambate je japonsky slovicko, ktery desne nesnasim. Samo o sobe je
pozitivni. Preklad zni asi neco ve smyslu... "vydrz, drzim palce" nebo
"zkus to znova, urcite to pujde" nebo "nevzdavej to"... ono japonsky slovicka
dost dobre prekladat nejde, ty se musej proste procitit.
Ja tohle slovicko nesnasim, protoze se v situacich, pro ktery se hodi,
ocitam na muj vkus trosku moc casto.
Ja ten dopis psala pro sve zdejsi virtualni kontakty, abych jim pripomela,
ze porad jeste ziju. Myslim si, ze vas by mohl taky zajimat.
Je inspirovany dalsi povidkou z me `knihy o divnych vecech` a mezi
radky se prece jen muzete dozvedet neco o tom, proc nejvetsi filozofove
vzdy sidlili na odloucenych mistech. Odloucena mista jsou totiz jak stvorena
k produkovani vskutku filozofickych myslenek. A taky o tom, jak moc se
Sanriku hodi pro filozofy a jak je tezky byt filozofem.
Snad jeden preklad... Sakura = tresen, Hana = kvet, no=spojka vyjadrujici
2. pad (v tomto pripade).
Today I noticed the first shy `Sakura no Hana` near my flat. Which
fulfilled me with happiness. Doesn`t matter it is snowing today and I must
continue in devoting most of my energy to keep my body temperature. Now,
I belive I definitely survived the Sanriku winter.
Probably I should celebrate it somehow, but I am afraid I must keep
However I hope I didn`t go through the transformation Lafcadio Hearn
is mentioning in one of his Kwaidan stories I read recently. He is comparing
the ant`s societies with the human one.
These are some ideas from Hearn`s `insect studies`... ants are,
in very real sence, ethically as well as economically in advance of humanity
The competence of the ant is devoted to the welfare of the species
rather than to that of the individual, which is, sacrificed or specialized
for the benefit of the community.
á...What I want to talk about is the awful propriety, the terrible
morality of the ant.
Let us imagine a world full of people incessantly and furiously
working, - all of whom seem to be women. It is true that males can be sometimes
perceived in it, but they appear only at particular seasons and they have
nothing whatever to do with the workers or with the work. And no worker
would think of talking to a male; - for male, in this quer world, are inferior
beings. As a general rule, however, the worker is truly feminine only by
her moral instincts, but her sex has disappeared, like the sex of the Dragon-Maiden
in the Buddhist legend.
á...They have succeded in placing under perfect control what is commonly
supposed to be the most powerfull and unmanageable of instincts. Every
capacity for egoistic pleasure has been equally repressed through physiological
á...Will humanity ever be able to reach an ethical condition beyond
all its ideals - a state of altruism in which ethical concepts will have
become as useless as they would be, in the societies of the higher ants?
....Even in his chapter "Human population in the future," Mr. Spencer has
attempted no detailed statement of the physical modifications inevitable
to the production of higher moral types. I suppose that the moral transformation
predicted by Mr. spencer, could be effected only with the aid of physiological
change, and at a terrible cost!
Takze se mejte. Slibuju, ze jen co se vyporadam s temahle prisernostma,
co ted delam, tak vam zas napisu neco `normalniho`.