Czech Blind United

Czech Blind United - General Info
Czech Blind United - Special Cetres

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At the very beginning, we provided BBS named "BraillNet"; Internet server has been available only for a short period of time. Both servers are currently interconnected. BBS users can make full use of several Internet and E-mail services. Our server offers also FTP archive that corresponds to the library of digitized texts in BBS. Both servers are intended for blind and handicapped users. Books are obtained either directly from various publishing houses or digitized in our centre.

Computers, software and Internet services have been still financially hard to obtain, especially for the group of severely handicapped people. Therefore, the project "Internet for handicapped" came into existence. It is aimed at improving communication between handicapped person and the rest of the world through Internet and is supported and sponsored by many of our important Internet providers. Handicapped people were given the possibility of connection for a token charge; humanitarian organizations can present themselves through their WWW pages. Information service for handicapped people prepared by our centre will be also soon available through our server.


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