To create a new mail message with i.Scribe click the new mail icon on
the tool bar:
Click Mail | New Message
Select an address from the list and click "Ok". You can select multiple addresses by pressing "Ctrl" when you click on an address. To search for a particular name, type the first few charaters of the name on the "Search:" field. The list will then seek to the nearest name to the characters you entered. Contacts are in alphabetical order.
Each address will appear in list format next to "Recipients:", like this:
Recipients are divided into 3 types, identified by the three icons in the picture above. According to whether i.Scribe could match the address or name to the contacts database.
The first recipient shows a red question mark meaning that i.Scribe found multiple matches for the name "Dave" in the contacts database. In this case right click on the recipient to select which match is the one you want. If no furthur action is given form the user this address will fail because Scribe can't resolve this name to a valid email address.
The second recipient has a "To:" icon next to it. This signifies an unmatched recipient. No matching information was in the contacts database. You can add this address to the database from the right click menu. This address is valid and will send properly.
The third recipient has a little tag icon, this signifies that a single match was found in the contacts database. This address is valid and will send properly.
All recipients can be edited and deleted from the right click menu. You can also CC the recipient from the right click menu. You can set the default entry type to CC by clicking on the "To" button.