i.Scribe beta testers and developers


Something wrong with i.Scribe? A bug? A missing feature? Want to strangle the author? Well don't sit around fuming, tell him about your thorn and offer to be a beta tester! Then if the problem is a problem and I'm trying to fix something I will ask for your help, often in the form of downloading a special build of i.Scribe and running some tests and then sending log files back to me. Also you can just use i.Scribe as your day to day email client and report on it's usability and stability. This helps me a lot. I have only 2 beta testers at the moment and I'm looking for more! They have been instrumental in making i.Scribe a good product. Thanks Gary and Warwick!

Do you want to fix i.Scribe so bad you can taste it? Can you code in C++ like you were born to it? Well you my friend are prime material for helping out with coding i.Scribe. Mail me with a request for developer status. I'm not giving out the source to anyone just yet, I've been considering making this an open-source project but not just yet. Developer status will mean working with me to improve the code base and add features. Not ripping the code off for other products. However the libraries and editor that are built in to i.Scribe are available in source code form from my website. Coding is hopefully going to become my career one day, writing applications that don't suck as much as whats out there now.