CenturionSoft Products Order Form Purchasing CenturionSoft Products CenturionSoft products can be purchased from your local computer store or from CenturionSoft directly. Latest information and the ability to order on line: http://www.centurionsoft.com E-Mail - sales@centurionSoft.com You may e-mail us your order. Attach below order form as a text file. We will reply no later than the next business day. FAX - Send fax to 1-202-293-6942. Please use below order form. You can print this Order Form from your browser by selecting Print from the File menu. TELEPHONE - Please call 1-202-293-5151 use extension 2. Our office hours are Monday - Friday from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Eastern Standard Time. MAIL - Please use the below order form. You can print this Order Form from your browser by selecting Print from the File menu. Please do not send cash. Please mail to: CenturionSoft Attn: Sales 2000 P Street N.W. Suite 305 Washington, DC. 20036 USA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Our Vision CenturionSoft produces and markets quality computer software products designed for the consumer and business markets. The company's product line focuses on utilities and productivity tools for Windows 95, 98 and NT platforms. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Two outstanding products developed by DEMCOM: Steganos When encryption alone can't keep your secrets a secret, Steganos comes to the rescue! Steganos not only encrypts but also hides your data within other files. It's a simple, yet powerful program, which ensures that your data is protected from prying eyes. Why Steganos? When you use only cryptographic methods, your data may be unreadable, but it is obvious that there is sensitive data - that you have a secret. If your data is only hidden and not encrypted, someone could search all suspicious carrier files for hidden data, and perhaps find your sensitive information. Be prepared and protected with Steganos! Available Today! Important Steganos Ordering Information: If you would like to purchase a German version of Steganos call +49-4451-95 91 95 or if you are in Germany call 04451/95 91 95. Please note United States Export Regulations classifies Steganos as strong cryptography which is considered dangerous munitions by the United States Government and is prohibited by law from being shipped outside of the USA or Canada. To purchase a copy of the English version of Steganos (which is produced outside of the United States and Canada) for international delivery please contact CenturionSoft. There is no difference in the level of cryptography or protection offered by Steganos purchased in the USA or Canada or outside of these countries. Both versions are the same in every manner. TrakRecord TrakRecord, the most revolutionary new tool since the mouse. This utility that automatically organizes your programs, documents, emails, web sites, to do tasks, and dates. TrakRecord allows you to navigate through your work based on a time track rather than archaic names. Never again search for documents, programs, website or emails. You'll find the tasks you've done on the timeline when you worked on them. Simply click on the task and you're back in your document or program! TrakRecord will revolutionize the way you work! ORDER FORM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can print this Order Form from your browser by selecting Print from the File menu. Fax. +1-202-293-6942 Name:__________________________________________________________ Company (if applicable):_______________________________________ Street:________________________________________________________ City:______________________________State:_______Zip:___________ Country:___________________Tel:__________________Fax:__________ Email(example myname@provider.com):____________________________ ____ Steganos @ $49.95: _______ ____ TrakRecord (available online) @ $49.95: _______ Shipping & Handling: Normal Delivery USA/Canada (allow 2-3 weeks) - $8.00 ________ International* (allow 3-4 weeks) - $16.00 ________ Express Delivery US/Canada (2 days) - $15.00 ________ International* (2-3 days) - $60.00 ________ Subtotal: ________ Washington D.C. residents add 5.75% sales tax: ________ Total: ________ Please make check payable to CenturionSoft. Shipped upon verification of funds. Products shipped on CD. Prices subject to change without notice. * Please contact CenturionSoft for delivery of Steganos outside of the USA and Canada. For latest information please call or visit our website at http://www.centurionsoft.com Payment by: (* Please, no Eurocheques *) __ Check (US$) __ Certified Check (US$) __ Money Order (US$) __ Mastercard __ Visa __ AMEX Card #: ____________________________________Exp. Date:__________ Signature:______________________________________________________ Cardholder Name:________________________________________________ We would appreciate it if you would tell us where did you first heard about us. Thanks for your cooperation. [] BBS/Online service - which one?_______________________________ [] Internet - which site? ______________________________________ [] Friend [] retail store package [] CD-ROM _______________ [] magazine - which one?_________________________________________ [] other - ______________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^