A proof-of-purchase/receipt was written to %s. You MUST HAVE this to re-install your software in case of disk failure. It is strongly recommended that you backup now.||Would you like to backup now?Your credit card is about to be charged $%10.2f, with an|UNCONDITIONAL 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.|This amount will appear on your credit card statement as|a charge by BrainTree Ltd., Bayside NY.||Is it OK to complete this order?The system "timed out" while waiting for a payment|approval. This is typically caused by heavy network|traffic. The system will attempt to complete the|payment approval process at a latter time.To install the software, exit this program then extract %s into its own directory then follow the instructions in the enclosed README.TXT file.;To install the software, exit this program then execute %s.%s was successfully downloaded.-You already have the latest software version!PYou do not have the latest software version.|Would like like to download it now?~To verify that you have the current software version you|must be connected to the Internet. Are you connected|to the Internet?#Version Checking has been disabled!"%s" is an invalid FTP URL!BrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to upload data to|the BrainTree Registration Server at this time. Is it OK|to print an Order Form, instead?8The BrainTree Reg-O-Matic configuration file is invalid! Downloading Current Version DataMBrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to check your software|version at this time.KBrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to connect to|the FTP Server at this time.