DataArmour version 1.2 Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Neil Clayton, TCDC All Rights Reserved This is not free software. Subject to the terms detailed in LICENSE.TXT you are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 21 days. If you use this software after the 21 day evaluation period a registration fee of $34.95 is required. Credit card ordering and quantity discounts are available. Credit card ordering can be performed securely on the web, see for more information. Quantity discounts: --------------------------------------- Number of licenses Cost Discount 1 $ 34.95 N/A 5 $166.00 5% 10 $314.00 10% 25 $699.00 20% for orders above 25, please contact the author for discount information You can mail orders/payments to (Payments must be drawn in US dollars): TCDC 8a Steyne Ave Plimmerton Wellington New Zealand. Remeber to include your email or return address (including stamped envelope) for return of a recepit where appropriate. See the bottom of this .txt file for an order form. Note: * Cheques require clearance before a receipt and registration code is sent. All cheques should be made payable to 'TCDC'. When payment is received you will be sent a registration code VIA EMAIL. You will also be notified as to the latest release. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** If you do not have an email address, please include a stamped and self-addressed envelope - I will then mail you the registration code. ********************************************************************** Unregistered use of DataArmour after the 21-day evaluation period is in violation of international copyright laws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DataArmour Order Form ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TCDC 8a Steyne Ave Plimmerton Wellington New Zealand. Name : _________________________________________ Address : _________________________________________ _________________________________________ City : _________________________________________ State: : ______ (if applicable) Postal code: ______ (if applicable) Country : __________________________ EMAIL addr : _________________________________ [ ] I am purchasing DataArmour for the first time Cost Discount 1 $ 34.95 N/A 5 $166.00 5% 10 $314.00 10% 25 $699.00 20% # of licenses required : ______ Total cost : ________ (in US Dollars) I have enclosed a: [ ] Cheque [ ] Money Order [ ] Cash (not a good idea, dont use unless you are going to delivery personally!) [ ] Credit card details (fill in details below) Card type : __________________ (VISA, Mastercard, Amex etc) Number on card : __________________ Name of card holder: __________________ Card expiry date : ________ (MM / DD) [ ] I have enclosed a stamped, self address envelope for the return of the receipt. [ ] Do not sent me the registration information by email. Please post this to the address above. You should receive a reply within 21 working days. Note: Thats 21 days from the time that TCDC receives the order. It can take some time for the order (i.e: US, or other international locations) to reach NZ via standard mail - approx 8 days -----------------------------------------------------------------------