0 slider 1 Slider 32-Bit Custom Control V1.2 2 Written by Wade Cobb 3 Minimum cannot be less than -32766 4 Minimum cannot be greater than Maximum 5 Maximum cannot be less than -32765 6 Maximum cannot be less than Minimum 7 Maximum value is 32767 8 Position cannot be less than zero 9 Position cannot be greater than Maximum 10 Position cannot be less than Minimum 11 Picture format not supported 30 Vertical 40 Horizontal 50 SCS_VERTICAL | 60 SCS_HORIZONTAL | 70 SCS_TEXTHASRANGE | 80 SCS_NOPEGSCROLL | 90 SCS_INVERTRANGE | 100 Specified position is out of the range. 110 SCS_TOPTICKS | 120 SCS_BOTTOMTICKS | 130 SCS_LEFTTICKS | 140 SCS_RIGHTTICKS | 150 Top Tick Marks 160 Bottom Tick Marks 170 Left Tick Marks 180 Right Tick Marks 181 WS_TABSTOP 1006 Northeast Data Corp. 1007 Suite 290 1008 2117 Buffalo Road 1009 Dear Sir, 1010 Please send me the following: 1012 The Slider 32-Bit Source Code 1014 I have enclosed %s. 1015 Respectfully, 1016 %s 1017 %s 1018 %s 1019 %s 1020 %s 1021 The Slider 32-Bit Control DLL 1022 %s 1028 Please send an invoice using purchase order number %s. 1029 The total amount of the order is $%s. 2001 Please send by U.S Mail 2002 Please send by UPS 2-day delivery 2003 Please send by Overnight mail 2004 Please send by UPS 3-day delivery 2005 Please send to my Compuserve ID