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'Upgrade' refers to obtaining the latest version of the scan engine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the virus database (DAT) files? McAfee discovers about 200 new viruses each month from around the world. Methods of detecting these viruses are added to a database that is released monthly. Before you can detect these new viruses, you must obtain the latest version of DAT files and install them to your existing version of VirusScan/WebScanX/NetShield to update that program. When the scan engine is upgraded, the latest DAT files available are included with the program. DAT files are released approximately every four weeks, usually in the second half of the month. The file name will be different each month, but is easily recognizable: DAT-XXXX.ZIP, where XXXX is the version number described above, for example DATs for March, would be "DAT-3101.ZIP". The DAT files are always FREE. However, McAfee does not guarantee backwards compatibility of the DAT files with older versions of the scan engine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I know when the DAT files need to be updated? We provide many methods of notification for new DAT file releases: WWW: 'Update DAT File' ( 'Current Versions' ( Retail and Deluxe versions of McAfee AntiVirus for Win95 also have timers built into the program to notify you when your DAT files become dangerously out of date. Selecting the 'Update VirusScan' option from within the program and connecting to our site to check on new DAT files is also a valid method of updating your DAT files; if there are newer DAT files, they will be automatically downloaded when you connect using this option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Which DAT files do I need? As of December, 1997, NAI no longer makes 2x DAT files (97XX). If you have a 2x version of VirusScan, you will need to update to the current 3x version of the program. 2x DAT files are not compatible with a 3x version of VirusScan. You can find the version of VirusScan and the DAT files you are using by running the program and going to the 'Help' pull-down menu and selecting 'About'. Using the incorrect DAT files for your version of McAfee AntiVirus product can result in false virus alerts, missed infections, error messages, or misidentified infections. The DAT files are compatible with all operating systems (DOS, Win3x, Win95, WinNT, WinNT Server, Novell, and Unix) with the exception of MAC. MAC users have their own special version of the DAT files. They are available at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where can I get the DAT files from? The current DAT files can be found from a number of sources: WWW: FTP: AOL Keyword: McAfee AutoUpdate (AKA: SecureCast): In the retail and Deluxe versions of VirusScan there is an 'Update VirusScan' option under the 'File' pull-down menu of the VirusScan program itself. Selecting this option will allow you to update either your DAT files or both the program and the DAT files, depending on the option you choose. This option requires either a dial-up connection to the Internet, or a long distance phone call (you will incur all long distance charges) through an asynchronous modem connection to connect to our servers. After downloading this update, the files will automatically install. Backweb: McAfee also has a channel on BackWeb for our licensed (not evaluation) customers to receive DAT file updates. The BackWeb installer is available on the McAfee CD that you purchased, usually in a \SECURCST or \BACKWEB directory (or similar). Backweb will deliver DAT files, virus alerts, and McAfee news directly to you when they are released. If you have purchased VirusScan on the Web, see the Backweb\Securecast FAQ located on the web at: Further, McAfee releases Beta DAT files hourly on our web site at: Please remember these DAT files are BETA, and may cause unexpected results. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I unzip the DAT files? If you do not have any unzipping software, follow the rest of the instructions below. Using your WWW browser, go to (the eZip home page). Click on "eZip Wizard banner" at the top of the page. Complete the registration form. Click on the link to download the file. When prompted, choose to save the file to your hard disk. REMEMBER THE DIRECTORY YOU DOWNLOAD THE FILE TO. This is the program that you need to run to install eZip. When the file is finished downloading, you can disconnect from your on-line service provider. Find the eZip file that you just downloaded to your hard drive (using your Windows Explorer or File Manager). Double-click on the file to begin the program installation. You can usually accept the default options during install. IF YOU CANNOT INSTALL THE eZip PROGRAM, please DO NOT call Network Associates; we do not support the eZip installation program. FYI: After installing eZip, you should have a eZip icon on your desktop, in your Start Menu (Win95), or in a separate Windows Program Group. Close any open windows on your desktop. Using your Windows Explorer or File Manager, locate the DAT file you recently downloaded. When you locate the file, double-click on the file name. eZip will automatically open. At the bottom of the eZip window, click on "Next" eZip will open it's "Extract" window. Choose the directory in which to extract the files based on the following: For users of VirusScan 3.0.0 through 3.1.4, the default installation directories are as follows: C:\McAfee\VirusScan (for DOS and Windows 3.1) C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan. (Windows95) C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan NT (VirusScan NT) C:\Program Files\McAfee\Netshield NT (Netshield NT) Sys:System\Netshield (Netshield Novell Netware) C:\McAfee\Webscan\ (Webscan) For users of VirusScan 3.1.6 and newer, the default installation directories are as follows: C:\neta\viruscan (DOS&Windows 3.1) C:\program files\network associates\mcafee virusscan (Windows95) C:\program files\network associates\virusscan (VirusScan NT) C:\program files\network associates\netshield (Netshield NT) Sys:System\Netshield (Netware) C:\program files\network associates\webscanx (WebscanX) Once the directory is selected, click on the "Unzip" button at the bottom of the window. You will be asked if you want to overwrite existing files in this directory. Answer by clicking on YES to or ALL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I manually update my DAT files? After unzipping the .ZIP file containing the DAT files, copy SCAN.DAT NAMES.DAT CLEAN.DAT POLYSCAN.DAT MCALYZE.DAT to your McAfee AntiVirus directory (see the step above). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I update my DAT files, VirusScan gives me an error. As indicated above, if you manually update VirusScan with the incorrect DAT files, you may receive an error message from VirusScan or VShield the next time you run the program after the update. Make sure that you have updated your McAfee anti-virus product with the correct DAT files. A second possibility is that you are using an older scan engine that cannot handle the increasing number of viruses that need to be detected on your system. By reading the WHATSNEW.TXT file and looking at the number in parenthesis () in the title of this document you can determine the oldest scan engine you can use with the new DAT files. You can find the version of scan engine you are using by running the program and going to the 'Help' pull-down menu and selecting 'About'. If you have an older scan engine, you need to upgrade your program to take advantage of the improved virus detection and removal capability that we release each month. If you do not know how to manually upgrade or do not have upgrade instructions, please call NAI Customer Care at 408-988-3832. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I update my DAT files, VirusScan says it detects a lot of new viruses. This is also usually caused by updating with the incorrect DAT files, or using an older scan engine. See the previous question for steps to take to resolve this problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What DAT files do I need for the Emergency Disk? With new versions of VirusScan, the Emergency Disk creation utility uses a special set of DAT files to build your clean boot disk. These files are designed to detect and remove boot sector/master boot record viruses, which can usually only be cleaned with a clean boot disk. They do not detect macro viruses and non-memory-resident viruses, since these can be cleaned with your regular version of VirusScan. The file names on the diskette are named: EMNAMES.DAT EMCLEAN.DAT EMSCAN.DAT Simply copy the files to a clean boot disk and rename the files to remove the 'EM' from the beginning of each file. These files will be updated with the scan engine on an as-needed basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can I automatically update the DAT files? There are two ways to automatically update the DAT files. The first method is for Win95 users only. Your VirusScan program has an auto-update feature built-in called SecureCast. SecureCast will automatically update/upgrade your program. However, when necessary you can manually run the auto-update feature. From the VirusScan program window, click on 'File' and then 'Update VirusScan'. Then simply follow the prompts on-screen. The second method is for owners of Virus Scan for Windows 95 or NT, or PC Medic. This service called Backweb. Backweb is a method to update the DAT files using Internet push technology. With this option, you will not have to spend time actively searching for, retrieving or downloading DAT file updates. Backweb will deliver the DAT file updates to your desktop and notify you upon their arrival. For more information on Backweb, please read the Backweb/SecureCast FAQ at To configure this Backweb option: Insert the McAfee CD-ROM Select Run from the Start menu Type x:\SecurCst\setup.exe (x is the drive that contains the CD-Rom) Then follow the instructions displayed on the screen If you did not receive McAfee VirusScan on CD or Backweb was not included on your CD, you will be able to download the Backweb program by following the instructions found in the Backweb/SecureCast FAQ at: For additional information or assistance, please contact NAI Download Support at 972-278-6100. NAI Online Support Updated 5/29/98 WRITE US SITE SEARCH COMPANY HELP ©1999 Network Associates and affiliated companies; all rights reserved. Please read our privacy policy.