EditPlus Revision History ========================= 1.1 06/18/98 Document selector added. Toolbar customization and User toolbar. Simple project management. Monitor clipboard feature added. Assign hotkey to window list. Save/Load keyboard macro. Improved DBCS compatibility. Match brace bug fixed. Output window color bug fixed. Setup bug fixed when using PKUNZIP for DOS. Save error in NFS drive fixed. Ctrl+Up/Dn for scrolling. Other minor bug-fixes and improvements. 1.04 04/11/98 Perl support added. Document Template feature added. Syntax highlighting improvements and bug-fixes. Regular expression bug fixed. Syntax highlighting color-button bug fixed. Scanning Cliptext library bug fixed. Use document's font in input-box of find dialog. Output window improvements and bug-fixes. Dragging file to Shortcut bug fixed. Shell file-open bug fixed. IntelliMouse support added. Other minor bug-fixes and improvements. 1.02 04/03/98 Printing bug fixed. DBCS character input bug fixed. Change horizontal-scrollbar behavior. Some additional argument macro added. Customize syntax highlighting bug fixed. Bug in selection behavior of spell-checker fixed. Replace text in reverse order bug fixed Auto-indent bug fixed. Word-wrap when pasting text bug fixed. Other minor bug-fixes and improvements. 1.01 03/24/98 Modified mouse selection behaviour. Other minor bug-fixes. First public-release. 1.00 03/20/98 First internal release.