IDG  Fr 10/9/1998, 11:10 a.m.
Invex Forum is the Third Pillar

Until this year the international Invex trade fair stood on two pillars. Alongside the Invex fair itself, designed first and foremost for trade professionals, the second element to the event has been the Come in Future exhibition, presenting, for the most part, "lighter" applications in information technology, designed for entertainment or education. This year there will be a third pillar joining the existing two - the International Invex Forum Conference, held this year under the sub-title "Information - the Single Currency of the Future".

The importance of information technology and applications of it is growing continually, and it now plays a part in practically all areas of human activity. The introduction of it, however, is understandably accompanied by a number of problems, whether of a technical, organisational or legislative nature, or even, in the case of people forced to work with unknown forms of technology, personal problems. The aim of the organisers of the conference is for Invex Forum to cover precisely these broader aspects of the application of IT. The event should provide an opportunity for all those who play a part in the transformation of the Czech Republic into an "information society", or who will have to become involved in the near future. Leading Czech politicians, government representatives and the highest civil servants will have the chance of putting forward their opinions on this topical and delicate matter during discussions with representatives of trade associations, IT suppliers, representatives of municipal authorities and university lecturers.

The first day of Invex Forum, to be held under the auspices of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic Antonφn Peltrßm, bears the telling title "The State in the Age of Information". The second day of the event, held under the sub-title "The Global Market" will be devoted to aspects of the introduction of IT in the management of small and medium-sized enterprises. Invex Forum is to take place in the Rotunda of Pavilion A, with many foreign experts taking part by means of video technology.

Jan Devßt²

Antonφn Peltrßm The Minister of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic Antonφn Peltrßm: The development of IT needs support

The international Invex Forum conference is to take place under the auspices of the Minister of Transport and Commu-nications of the Czech Republic Antonφn Peltrßm. Before the event opened he answered a few questions relating to information technology for the Fair Daily.

The development of a modern society is no longer possible without the broad application of information technology. What do you see as the biggest obstacles to the creation of an "information society" in the Czech Republic at the present time, and in what way can you help to overcome them?

I am convinced that the support we offer for the creation of an information society in the Czech Republic, and help in overcoming the greatest obstacles, should concentrate, first and foremost, on the following areas. The first of these is support for manufacturers, following from essential research and development of information technology. This technology for the society in the future is of extraordinary importance for those reflecting or catching up with modern trends. The second area is social support for users, relating to such services which must, in accordance with European principles, be universally available to all, for example telephones and, perhaps in the future, television. There must, at the same time, be the necessary legislative changes as, in the area of the administration for example, it is not possible to simply transfer the current agenda for means of automation. All the advantages offered by integrated data processing and electronic information carriers must be employed.

The principle tasks facing the government should include the creation of a universal state information system. What is the state of preparatory work for this?

I agree. This, however, falls under the competence of deputy prime minister Pavel Mertlφk.

How would you assess the use of information technology in the state and public administration, in relation to the standards and practices of the European Union? Is there any danger here of the admission of the Czech Republic into the EU being delayed or even threatened.?

In what area do we not lag behind the EU? It must be remembered that such technology was once the subject of an embargo. Any threat to EU membership is, however, no greater in this area than in any other.

This year leading Czech companies in information technology founded an association called SPIS - The Association for an Information Society. Is the Ministry of Transport and Communications engaged in co-operation with this association? If so, in what areas, and with what results?

SPIS is a lobby group. As is common with such associations it develops themes and activities according to its own ideas. Its activities concentrate, first and foremost, on obtaining advantages for the field in which the companies financing the association do business, i.e. on obtaining advantages for the application of information technology and information systems. An important application sector in this field is the use of information and communication technology in communication. The Ministry of Transport and Communication, one section of which is responsible for communications, i.e. post offices, telecommunications and information systems, is, through its information systems department, in continual contact with SPIS, and extremely good mutual relations exist between our organisations. The word co-operation is not, however, suitable for even the best relations between a body of the state administration and an information lobby.

What role does information technology play in your working and personal life?

I use information technology to obtain information I require and for its inclusion in our own publications.

Questions put by Jan Devßt²