Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESW LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE Kernel32 GetDiskFreeSpaceA SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo REGUTIL RegUtilAmIAdministrator SERVUTIL removeProcess SERVUTIL stopService SERVUTIL removeService SERVUTIL startService SERVUTIL isServiceRunning SERVUTIL installService ObjectTeam REGUTIL.DLL REGUTIL.DLL You must have administrative privileges to continue with the installation procedure. ObjectTeam requires WIndows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 ObjectTeam requires WIndows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 Cayenne Software Inc.a ObjectTeama 7.1.1a otk.exe$ \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerNameR ComputerName2+ This version is not supported by the installation. If you want to upgrade to the current version, You must use the installation of ObjectTeam 5.1.1 or higher . Do you want to quit now? ObjectTeam( Welcome to %P setup upgrade program., Welcome to %P setup program. This program will upgrade the a existing %P server installation. Welcome to %P setup program. This program will upgrade the a existing %P client installation. An ObjectTeam server installation has been detected. aC This installation can not be changed because you are not logged on $ as Administrator. $ Please log on as Administrator to run this setup or uninstall$ the ObjectTeam server installation first before running this setup. Welcome to %P client setup program. This program will upgrade the a existing %P client installation. Welcomeb Software has been detected. Select Upgrade to replace all installation files. Upgrade Software Query Upgrade installation2D This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. But it will remove the installed services. After this setup the installation can then be used by starting the services from the commandline. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Before upgrading, make sure that you have dumped all repositories The dumped files are used as input for repository data conversion. For details, see the ObjectTeam Installation Guide for Windows. Do you want to continue? This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. But it will remove the installed services. After this setup the installation can then be used by starting the services from the commandline. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Do you want to continue? This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. However, after this setup the installation can not be used anymore. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Do you want to continue? Confirmation to upgrade( Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1a Software has been detected. Select Upgrade to replace all installation files. Upgrade Software Query Upgrade installation2D This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. However, after this setup the installation can not be used anymore. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Do you want to continue? You have already installed a Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Confirmation to upgrade( GroundWorks 3.1.1a Software has been detected. Upgrade Software Query Upgrade installation2D Confirmation to upgrade( ObjectTeam DeinstKeyA Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1 GENERAL The product documentation is no longer delivered on paper. Do you want to install the product documentation on your system? Its needs additional 40 Mbytes of diskspace. Product Documentation installation( An ObjectTeam server installation requires a. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 files on your system. It needs an additional 10 MBytes of diskspace. Sybase SQL Anywhere installation Install Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 files2> Use existing Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 installation2? Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA ObjectTeam requires that the variables SQLANY and Path for Sybase SQL Anywhere are set in System Environment of the Operating system. These were not found or not properly set. Restoring RDBMS data of existing repositories into Sybase SQL Anywhere will fail during this setup. This will not make these repositories corrupt. For actually using these repositories the restoring have to be done after this setup has finished. Do you want to continue? The ObjectTeam server upgrade requires at least an additional 20MB diskspace. This is not available. Do you want to continue? The ObjectTeam client upgrade requires at least an additional 10MB diskspace. This is not available. Do you want to continue? InstallationDirectory2+ Unable to load installation directory from the Windows registryA Upgrade ObjectTeam C:\Cayenne\Tools The ObjectTeam server upgrade requires at least an additional 80MB diskspace. This is not available. Do you want to continue? The ObjectTeam client upgrade requires at least an additional 80MB diskspace. This is not available. Do you want to continue? m4env m4enva m4env.tmp m4env.m4env m4enva m4env.tmp objservers objserversa objservers.tmp objservers.objservers objservers.objserversa objservers.tmp File Components ObjectTeam DeinstKeyA Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1 GENERAL Type of installation$ Select Standalone to run all ObjectTeam software on this machine. Select Client/server if this machine is to run as server only. Standalone Client/Server! ObjectTeam 5.1.1 ObjectTeam 5.2.1 ObjectTeam 6.1.1 ObjectTeam 7.1.1 m4env.tmpa m4env.m4env objjservers.tmpa objservers.objservers M4_masterserver=b m4env.m4envbC SET M4_home=b! ObjectTeam( Welcome to %P setup program. This program will installa %P on your system. Welcome to %P client setup program. If you want to do a %P servera3 installation, you have to log on as Administrator. Welcome to %P setup program. This program will installa %P on your system. Welcome to %P client setup program. This program will installa %P on your system. Welcomeb SERVUTIL.DLL Tcpip SERVUTIL.DLL Setup detects that the TCP/IP service is not running. Has Tcpip been a9 installed and configured as instructed in the ObjectTeam $ Installation Guide? Setup can continue with the installation, but $ Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1$ will not run until the above problem is resolved. Would you like to continue now? Please make sure that TCP/IP has been configured a> properly as instructed in the ObjectTeam Installation Guide. Would you like to continue with the installation now? Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1a Required Services Query; C:\Cayenne\Tools File Components Server FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA For a Master server: select Server, SQL Anywhere, and Client Files. For a Slave server: select Server and SQL Anywhere Files. For a Client: select Client Files. Client Files! Server Files! Setup cannot continue since neither client component nor server component is selected. Server FilesA Client FilesA Help FilesA Product DocumentationA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! Server Files! You do not need to install Sybase SQL Anywhere for a client installation. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA Setup found existing installation in given directory. Please use an empty directory for this setup. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! Server Files! ObjectTeam requires that the variables SQLANY and Path for Sybase SQL Anywhere are set in System Environment of the Operating system. These were not found or not properly set. You can continue this setup. But before starting ObjectTeam you have to correct this and reboot the system. Do you want to continue? Server Files! \Cayenne% Repos \Cayenne% Repos ObjectTeam DeinstKeyA Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1 GENERAL Configuring installation... Server Files! Type of installation$ Select Standalone to run all ObjectTeam software on this machine. Select Client/server if this machine is to run as server only. Standalone Client/Server! Slave Server Configuration$ Enter the Master Server hostname, and the network a@ repository drive UNC path. The UNC path has the following form: \\\ Master Servera UNC PathR3 The UNC path must be in the form of: \\\A Server Files! ObjectTeam User Account$ Please enter the user account name, the domain in which the user a@ account resides, and the password. ObjectTeam services will run $ under this account. Logona Domaina Passworda Verify PasswordR. Password is not verified. Please re-enter.A Setup can't install the ObjectTeam services. You may have entered an invalid user account. Server Files! Client Files! Server Information Enter the server hostname and the broker port number. Servera PortR- Server's Broker Port Information Enter the broker port number that will be used by the server. PortR, Repository Name Enter the name of the default repository. RepositoryR" objservers.objserversa lockserverR objservers.objserversbD objservers.objserversa lockserverR objservers.objserversbD help% objteam.cnt -----start--- objteam.cntbA 1 GroundWorks Reference objteam.cntbA 2 GroundWorks Reference=!EF(".. mpgrndwrks.hlp", "",5,"") objteam.cntbA ------end--- objteam.cntbA Installation is complete. Setup is complete and ObjectTeam is ready for use. * \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 7.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 6.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 5.2.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 5.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam for OMT 5.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0/02 InstallationDirectory2 4.0/01 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT 4.0/02 InstallationDirectory2 4.0/01 InstallationDirectory2 m4env.m4envR m4envR InstalledComponents2 Client FilesA Help FilesA Product DocumentationA Server FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA Server( Server FilesA Client( Client FilesA Help( Help FilesA Product DocumentationA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR M4_HOME2 Path2 PathB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR M4_HOME2 Path2 \sqlany50\win32; \sqlany50\win32 PathB \sqlany50\win32# PathB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR SQLANY2 win32 Path2 win321 \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, \Environment \M4_HOME \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment$ \M4_LICENSE_FILE Removing old Installation files...# Deleting old directory b bin$$$1 Deleting directory b bin$$$1 bin$$$1 dbserver.exea dbserver.exex lockserver.exea lockserver.exe bitmaps Deleting directory b config Deleting directory b contrib Deleting directory b Deleting directory b modules Deleting directory b m4env.m4envR m4env.m4env} m4env.m4enva objservers.objserversR objservers.objservers} objservers.objserversa m4env.m4env objservers.objservers, m4env objservers m4env.m4env objservers.objservers% Deleting directory b Deleting directory b bitmaps Deleting directory b reports Deleting directory b sqlany50 Deleting directory b sqlany55 Deleting directory b Deleting directory b templates Deleting directory b Error deleting installation directory.$ Some files cannot be removed from: Some processes may be accessing the files, or the permission on the files cannot be set to read/write. Please remove the files manually before continuing. Would you like to continue now? Persistent Files Query! The installation files have been removed successfully. m4env.m4enva M4_servicesR m4env.m4envB m4env.m4enva M4_packageR m4env.m4envB m4env.m4enva M4_target_langR m4env.m4envB m4env.m4enva M4_masterserverR m4env.m4envB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR M4_HOME2 SERVUTIL.DLL dbserver ot_broker brokerservice lockserver dbeng50 dbsrv50 SERVUTIL.DLL SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamLicenseServer ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamPortmap ObjectTeamPortmap SERVUTIL.DLL SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamLicenseServer ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamPortmap ObjectTeamPortmap \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa SQLANYs_OTservice SQLANYs_OTservice SERVUTIL.DLL Starting ObjectTeam services... SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker SERVUTIL.DLL bitmaps\*.*BJ etc\*.*BJ etc\objservers.objserversA tcl\*.*BJ contrib\*.*BJ logs\*.*BJ templates\*.*BJ bin\convert61to71.exeA bin\dbdump.exeA bin\dboptimize.exeA bin\dbserver.exeA bin\lockserver.exeA bin\m4version.exeA bin\ot_broker.exeA bin\brokerservice.exeA bin\otk.exeA Server FilesB sqlany55\*.*BJ Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesB modules\*.*BJ contrib\*.*BJ doc\*.*BJ bitmaps\*.*BJ etc\*.*BJ reports\*.*BJ tcl\*.*BJ bin\lmgr325c.dllA bin\compare_phase.exeA bin\fcomp.exeA bin\otk.exeA bin\otprint.exeA bin\otsh.exeA bin\m4env.batA bin\udmcmp.exeA bin\otexport.batA bin\m4version.exeA Client FilesB help\*.*BJ Help FilesB doc\*.*BJ Product DocumentationB modules\*.*A Server Files! Extracting server files...% bitmaps bitmaps\*.*A src\*.*A lib\*.*A etc\*.*A etc\objservers.objserversA etc\m4env.m4envA tcl\*.*A templates templates\*.*A logs\*.*A bin\convert61to71.exeA bin\dbdump.exeA bin\dboptimize.exeA bin\dbserver.exeA bin\lockserver.exeA bin\ot_broker.exeA bin\brokerservice.exeA bin\m4version.exeA bin\otk.exeA bin\m4env.batA bin\rmf.batA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! sqlany55 sqlany55\*.*A Client Files! Extracting client files...K Server Files! tcl\*.*A bin\otk.exeA bin\m4version.exeA bitmaps bitmaps\*.*A src\*.*A lib\*.*A modules modules\*.*A contrib contrib\*.*A etc\*.*A reports reports\*.*A bin\lmgr325c.dllA bin\compare_phase.exeA bin\fcomp.exeA bin\otprint.exeA bin\otsh.exeA bin\m4env.batA bin\rmf.batA bin\udmcmp.exeA bin\otexport.batA Help Files! Extracting help files...% help\*.*A Product Documentation! Extracting Product Documentation files... \Cayenne\Doc\ObjectTeam DOC\*.*A bin\dtextun.exeA Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* There is not ENOUGH FREE DISKSPACESA Unable to copy or decompress fileA Target disk is readonlyA The file is not listed on the packaging listA General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number: $ Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! system32 CTL3D32.DLLR SystemFiles Extracting system file... bin\CTL3D32.DLLA Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* There is not ENOUGH FREE DISKSPACESA Unable to copy or decompress fileA Target disk is readonlyA The file is not listed on the packaging listA General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number: $ Product Documentation! ObjectTeama ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Online Books ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Online Books, \Cayenne\DText31 InstallationDirectoryA Server Files! ServerTypeA MasterA ServerTypeA StandaloneA ServerTypeA SlaveA Server: Client Files! Client: Help Files! Help: Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! Product Documentation! InstalledComponentsA otk.exeG \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa otk.exe Failed to delete 'App Paths' from registriesA InstalledComponents2 Doc:Q InstalledComponentsA InstalledComponents2 SSA:Q InstalledComponentsA InstallationDirectory2 InstallationDirectoryA InstalledComponents2 InstalledComponentsA ServerType2 ServerTypeA InstalledComponents2 Server( server( Server FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 FilesA Client( client( Client FilesA Help( help( Help FilesA ServerType2 Master( Standalone( Server Type$ Select Master if this machine will serve all clients in your network or is a Standalone installation. Do not select Slave unless you have read the Installation Guide. Master Server2 Slave Server2 M4_brokerport=b, m4env.m4envbC Server Files! etc\objservers.objservers$ M4_services=bC m4envbD M4_imphost=b m4env.m4envbC m4env.m4enva M4_orb_linger= 10A m4env.m4enva M4_orb_linger__lockserver= 1A M4_nameserverhost=b3 m4env.m4envbC M4_network_repository_drive_unc_path=b4 m4env.m4envbC m4env.m4enva M4_orb_linger= 30A m4env.m4enva #M4_levelpath=/repositorynameA M4_levelpath=b" m4env.m4envbC Server Files! Client Files! M4_imphost=b- m4env.m4envbC m4env.m4enva #M4_levelpath=/repositorynameA M4_levelpath=b" m4env.m4envbC M4_masterserver=b m4env.m4envbC \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, \Environment M4_HOMEA Path2 %M4_HOME%$ PathA Server Files! Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! sqlany55Q SQLANYA Path2 sqlany55% win32 %SQLANY%$ win32 PathA M4_HOMEA M4_HOMEb$ M4_HOMEA %PATH%;bC PATHbD Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! SQLANYA sqlany55K SQLANYbC sqlany55% win32$ %PATH%;bD PATHbE AUTOEXEC.SAV C:\COMMAND.COM! SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:2048O Cayenne Repository 7.1.1 Cayenne Repository 7.1.1 Cayenne Repository 7.1.1N Cayenne Repository 7.1.1A bin\otk.exe tcl\reptoolpop.tcl Server Files! Server Files! -- corpmanvie.tcl CorpManView: Cayenne Repository 7.1.1a Corporate ManagementbE Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 Files! sqlany55% win32% dbsvmn50.exe Cayenne Repository 7.1.1a Service Managerb Server Files! logs% ot_broker.log ot_broker Start Ot_broker$ -l $ -- userenvvie.tcl UserEnvView: Cayenne Repository 7.1.1a User EnvironmentbE -- lockmanvie.tcl LockManView: Cayenne Repository 7.1.1a Lock ManagementbE -- csconfigvi.tcl CSConfigView: Cayenne Repository 7.1.1a Client Server ConfigurationbE tcl\desk.tcl Client Files! Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1N Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1A Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1a BrowserbD Help Files! help\objteam.hlp winhlp32.exe b Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1a On-line HelpbC winhlp32.exeA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa SERVUTIL.DLL ObjectTeamBrokerP ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeam Broker% bin\brokerservice.exe ObjectTeam Services! SERVUTIL.DLL SQLANYs_OTserviceP SQLANYs_OTservice SQL Anywhere-OTservice% sqlany55% win32% dbsrv50.exe -hv$ SQLANYs_OTservice SQLANYServer! SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa SQLANYs_OTservice DisplayNameA SQL Anywhere - OTserviceA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa SQLANYs_OTservice$ \Parameters ParametersA SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamPortmap \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeam 5.1.1/ ObjectTeam 5.2.1/ ObjectTeam 6.1.1/ ObjectTeam 7.1.1/ \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam$ 5.1.1 Failed to remove 5.1.1 register keyA \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam$ 5.2.1 Failed to remove 5.2.1 register keyA \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam$ 6.1.1 Failed to remove 5.2.1 register keyA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment M4_LICENSE_FILE \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext\3.1.1 InstallationDirectory2+ \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment Path2 %SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%system32;$ PathA PathA PATHb ObjectTeam User Account$ Please enter the user account name, the domain in which the user a@ account resides, and the password. ObjectTeam services will run $ under this account. Logona Domaina Passworda Verify PasswordR. Password is not verified. Please re-enter.A Setup can't install the ObjectTeam services. You may have entered an invalid user account. .checkconfigP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .checkgroupsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .checkmapP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .compare_rulesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .db_typesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .editorprocsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .gdrP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .hdrP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .lang_typesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .maketmplP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .mapP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .m4envP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .objserversP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .phasesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .pnlP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .propertiesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .roundtripP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .stand_typesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .sqlrulesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .tclP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .browserprocsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .4GLP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .4GHP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .cxxP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .hxxP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .rolesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .userrolesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .sruP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .pblP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A txtfile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .mnuP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTMenuCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .vieP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTViewCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .objtypeP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTObjTypeCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .opendefsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTOpenDefsCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .openlocsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTOpenLocsCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .propdefsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTPropDefsCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .proplocsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTPropLocsCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .modulesP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTModulesCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A .copyspecsP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A OTCopySpecCustomizationFile! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTCopySpecCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Copy Specification File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTCopySpecCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTMenuCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Menu File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTMenuCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTModulesCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Modules File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTModulesCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTObjTypeCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam ObjectType File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTObjTypeCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTOpenDefsCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Open Definitions File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTOpenDefsCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTOpenLocsCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Open Locations File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTOpenLocsCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTPropDefsCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Property Definitions File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTPropDefsCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTPropLocsCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam Property Locations File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTPropLocsCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTViewCustomizationFileP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A ObjectTeam View File! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A OTViewCustomizationFile\shell\open\commandP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe %M4_home%\tcl\uce.tcl -- -fi user "%1", otk.exe % uce.tcl $ -- -fi user %1 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A DefaultIcon( %M4_home%\bin\otk.exe, 7, otk.exe, 7 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR LM_LICENSE_FILE2 LM_LICENSE_FILER Cayenne\Flexlm\license\cayenne.dat Enter the complete path to the license file, including its directory and filename. This line will be set/added to your LM_LICENSE_FILE variable. Set LM_LICENSE_FILE variable Your entry indicates that your license server is running on another machine. Is this correct?A Cannot find the license file: b 7126@b3 Enter the location of the License server or If you are using the temporary license, please enter the complete path to your license file This line will be set/added to your LM_LICENSE_FILE variable. Set LM_LICENSE_FILE variable Can't find the license file:b LM_LICENSE_FILER LM_LICENSE_FILE=b SET LM_LICENSE_FILE=b \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR LM_LICENSE_FILE2 LM_LICENSE_FILEA LM_LICENSE_FILEA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environmenta SQLANY SERVUTIL.DLL SERVUTIL.DLL SOFTWAREa Cayenne Software Inc.$ GroundWorks$ 3.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 USERPROFILER Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.bak} Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.txta Meta4UserEnv.bak% Meta4UserEnv.txt} Meta4UserEnv.txt HOMER Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.bak} Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.txt} Meta4UserEnv.txta Meta4UserEnv.bak Network\Logon username Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProfileListb ProfileImagePathR Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.txta Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.bak} Meta4UserEnv.bak Meta4UserEnv.txt Meta4UserEnv.txt} Meta4UserEnv.txta Meta4UserEnv.bak Cannot find a user home directory. Make sure you have created a user profile as described in the installation guide and run the installation again. Network\Logon username Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProfileListb ProfileImagePathR \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext 3.1.1\3.1.1 \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext 3.1.1R InstallationDirectory2 \BIN) DTEXT.EXER \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext (Evaluation)\2.3 \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext (Evaluation)R InstallationDirectory2 \BIN) DTEXT.EXER \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext\2.3 \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\DynatextR InstallationDirectory2 \BIN) DTEXTRW.EXER sddtext.bmp$ Choose Dynatext Destination Location$ Setup will install the Product Documentation Browser in the following directory. To install to this directory, click Next. To install to a different location, click Browse and select another directory. sd.bmp$ dtextun.exea dtextun.exe Extracting Dynatext Browser files... Dynatexta DTEXT.Za DLLS\ctl3d32.dllA DTEXT.Za Dynatext? DynatextA Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number: $ ANNOTS ANNOTS\public ANNOTS\private Activating Dynatext Initialization file...$ \BIN\DYNATEXT.INI dtexta COLLECTIONb dtexta DATA_DIRb ANNOTS\PUBLIC dtexta PUBLIC_DIRb ANNOTS\PRIVATE dtexta PRIVATE_DIRb LIB\PLUGINS dtexta PLUGIN_DIRSb Updating Dynatext Initialization file...# \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext 3.1.1R InstallationDirectory2 \BIN\DYNATEXT.INI dtexta COLLECTIONR dtexta COLLECTIONb dtexta COLLECTIONbD dtexta COLLECTIONb dtexta COLLECTIONbD \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext 3.1.1R InstallationDirectory2 \DTEXT.EXE Adding Dynatext icon...: Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1a Product Documentationb Unable to add folder icon a# Product Documentation to folder: Cayenne ObjectTeam 7.1.1* Updating Dynatext registry entries... \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext 3.1.1 3.1.1% InstallationDirectoryA ProductUses2 ProductUsesA Updating Dynatext uninstall registry entries... \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Cayenne Documentation Browser Cayenne Documentation Browser% dtextun.exe DisplayNameA UninstallStringA Deleting old Dynatext registry entries... \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext (Evaluation) \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext\2.3 \Software\Cayenne Software Inc.\Dynatext 3.1.1R InstallationDirectory2 \BIN\DYNATEXT.INI& dtexta COLLECTIONR \Cayenne\Doc\ObjectTeam$ ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Online Books ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Online Books ObjectTeamb \Cayenne\Doc\ObjectTeam$ ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Online Books ObjectTeam 7.1.1 Online Books ObjectTeamb Updating Dynatext registry entries... Adi2xDocument\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A Adi2xDocument\CLSID {FC217EF7-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Adi2xDocument ADI 2x Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF7-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF7-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt2x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF7-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI 2x Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Adi3xDocument\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A Adi3xDocument\CLSID {E1A4DCB0-B0CB-11CE-9BBC-0020AF127559}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Adi3xDocument ADI 3x Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{E1A4DCB0-B0CB-11CE-9BBC-0020AF127559}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{E1A4DCB0-B0CB-11CE-9BBC-0020AF127559}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{E1A4DCB0-B0CB-11CE-9BBC-0020AF127559} ADI 3x Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiRamDocument\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiRamDocument\CLSID {87779490-6e07-11ce-8918-0020af76b4e1}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiRamDocument ADI Ram Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{87779490-6e07-11ce-8918-0020af76b4e1}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{87779490-6e07-11ce-8918-0020af76b4e1}\InprocServer32 adirm.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{87779490-6e07-11ce-8918-0020af76b4e1} ADI Ram Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiNetDocument\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiNetDocument\CLSID {03793450-cb6f-11ce-b1cd-0020afd60791}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiNetDocument ADI Net Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{03793450-cb6f-11ce-b1cd-0020afd60791}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{03793450-cb6f-11ce-b1cd-0020afd60791}\InprocServer32 adinet.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{03793450-cb6f-11ce-b1cd-0020afd60791} ADI Net Object Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiData\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiData\CLSID {FC217EE0-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiData ADI Object Data! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EE0-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EE0-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF7-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI Object Data! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiFileData\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiFileData\CLSID {254bf770-3dfc-11ce-910d-00608cc34359}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiFileData ADI File Data! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{254bf770-3dfc-11ce-910d-00608cc34359}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{254bf770-3dfc-11ce-910d-00608cc34359}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{254bf770-3dfc-11ce-910d-00608cc34359} ADI File Data! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiStyleSheet\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiStyleSheet\CLSID {FC217EE3-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiStyleSheet ADI Object StyleSheet! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EE3-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EE3-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EE3-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI Object StyleSheet! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiAnnotation\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiAnnotation\CLSID {FC217EF5-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiAnnotation ADI Object Annotation! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF5-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF5-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF5-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI Object Annotation! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiHit\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiHit\CLSID {FC217EF6-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiHit ADI Object Hit! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF6-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF6-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF6-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI Object Hit! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiCollection\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiCollection\CLSID {FC217EF8-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiCollection ADI Object Collection! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF8-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF8-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF8-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI Object Collection! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiHColl\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiHColl\CLSID {6C271910-1C10-11CE-BB9B-0020AF127559}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiHColl ADI Hit Collection! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{6C271910-1C10-11CE-BB9B-0020AF127559}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{6C271910-1C10-11CE-BB9B-0020AF127559}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{6C271910-1C10-11CE-BB9B-0020AF127559} ADI Hit Collection! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiScanner\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A AdiScanner\CLSID {FC217EF9-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A AdiScanner ADI Object Scanner! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF9-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF9-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F}\InprocServer32 adidt3x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{FC217EF9-B2EB-101B-AA07-F229BC120B0F} ADI Object Scanner! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Dil2x\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A Dil2x\CLSID {7fd54600-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Dil2x\CLSID Dil 2x! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{7fd54600-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A CLSID\{7fd54600-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559}\InprocServer32 comdil2x.dll! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{7fd54600-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559} Dil 2x! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Dil3x\CLSIDP RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A Dil3x\CLSID {7fd54601-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559}! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A Dil3x\CLSID Dil 3x! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{7fd54601-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559}\InprocServer32P RegDBCreateKeyEx failed.A comdil3x.dll CLSID\{7fd54601-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559}\InprocServer32 RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{7fd54601-5fce-11cf-9bde-0020af127559} Dil 3x! 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RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A CLSID\{8B2EDC30-60BD-11CF-9BDE-0020AF127559} Adi 3x Collection Document! RegDBSetKeyValueEx failed.A cayenne.bmp hline.bmp hboxes.bmp circle.bmp sd.bmp$ Starting a ObjectTeam$ Installation... edit( SETUPSTR862RC Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. ErrorbD _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! 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