# # @(#)skipident.txt /main/titanic/1 # # This file contains most identifiers special for the PC platform # and its compilers. These identifiers aren't parsed by reveng_cpp # (most of them even generate syntax errors) # # This file is by no means complete, you are advised to modify this # file to suit your own needs. # __asm __based __cdecl __declspec __except __export __far __fastcall __finally __huge __import __inline __interrupt __leave __loadds __multiple_inheritance __near __pascal __rtti __saveregs __seg __single_inheritance __stdcall __thread __try __virtual_inheritance _asm _cdecl _export _far _fastcall _huge _import _interrupt _loadds _near _pascal _saveregs _seg cdecl dllexport dllimport far huge interrupt naked near pascal thread # # from afxwin.h (MFC) # PASCAL afx_msg AFXAPI AFX_DATA AFX_CDECL HUGEP