MISCELLANEOUS NOTES This file has two sections: How to Give Feedback The e-mail address to use, and what to put in bug reports. How to Generate swingall.jar If you want to rebuild swingall.jar, here's how. -------------------- HOW TO GIVE FEEDBACK -------------------- Please send your feedback to this e-mail address: swing-feedback@java.sun.com If you've found a bug, you can help us greatly by including the following information in your e-mail: - A program or code snippet that shows the problem. - The platform you're using. - A backtrace, if appropriate. This will tell us what the program is doing when the bug occurs. To generate a backtrace, do this: 1. Go to the shell window in which you entered the 'java' command. 2. Make sure it has the keyboard focus and that the interpreter ('java' command) isn't a background process. 3. Enter the appropriate character: Control-\ (Solaris) Control-Break (Win 95/NT) 4. A bunch of text should be displayed in the window. Please put a copy of it into your e-mail. ---------------------------- HOW TO GENERATE SWINGALL.JAR ---------------------------- To create a new swingall.jar file on UNIX systems: 1. Extract the build-jar.sh from the beaninfo.jar file: jar xf beaninfo.jar build-jar.sh 2. Run the build-jar.sh script: sh build-jar.sh To create a new swingall.jar file on Win32 systems: 1. Extract the build-jar.bat file: jar xf beaninfo.jar build-jar.bat 2. Run the build-jar.bat script: build-jar.bat You will now have a new swingall.jar file you can load in your favorite IDE. -------------------------------------- Keep in touch! Read The Swing Connection: http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/swingdoc-current/