Win-Secure-It (R) version 2.00 for Windows 95 Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Yonat Dascalu. All Rights Reserved Win-Secure-It v2.00 for Windows 95 ORDER FORM Win-Secure-It Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Yonat Dascalu. All Rights Reserved Payment can be in Cash, money order & checks, Payments in checks must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank or Israeli shekels drawn on a Israeli bank, CASH payment can be in ANY currency whatsoever, and should be sent to: Yonat Dascalu 10 Azmaut Street Ness-Ziona 74010 ISRAEL Please try to pay in cash for small orders, if you are paying with checks most of the money goes to the bank it self due to the bank commissions. Site licenses: a site license for Win-Secure-ItŪ entitles an organization to receive one copy of the distribution package and duplicate the distribution disk for the specified number of copies. all dollars are US dollars. Win-Secure-ItŪ Single Copy ____ copies at $29 each = ______ Win-Secure-ItŪ Site License 2 to 9 computers: ____ computers at $22 each = ______ 10 to 24 computers: ____ computers at $17 each = ______ 25 to 49 computers: ____ computers at $14 each = ______ 50 to 99 computers: ____ computers at $12 each = ______ 100 to 199 computers: ____ computers at $11 each = ______ (more than 199 copies are negotiable) [ ] I would also like to get ____ Win-eXpose-I/O copies for win 3.x at $29 each = ______ [ ] I would also like to get ____ Win-eXpose-I/O copies for win 95 at $29 each = ______ [ ] I would also like to get ____ PrintOut copies for win 3.x at $29 each = ______ [ ] I would also like to get ____ PrintOut copies for win 95 at $29 each = ______ [ ] I would also like to get ____ FindRGB copies for win 3.x at $19 each = ______ [ ] I would also like to get ____ FindRGB copies for win 95 at $19 each = ______ Total payment ______ (Just for example, if you would like to buy 15 copies then the Total payment will be : 15 copies x 17$ = 255 $) 3.5" disks are sent unless a 5.25" disk is requested. Note: Please print your name/company name clearly as your registration number will be based on it. Name: ______________________ Date:___________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Country: _______________________________________ Day Phone: ______________ Eve: _________________ Electronic Mail address: ________________________________ How did you hear about Win-Secure-ItŪ ? __________________________ Suggestions, changes or additions you would like to see in future versions ? Comments: Any questions about the status of the shipment of an order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc., must be directed to : Yonat Dascalu 10 Azmaut Street Ness-Ziona 74010 ISRAEL or by EMAIL to : All of our software is user supported. Please help us by sending your comments, suggestions, and changes or additions you would like to see in future versions. Please send us a report if you happen to find a bug. ###