F-PROT 3.00 pre-release The major changes in F-PROT version 3 compared to version 2 are the following: 1) The program combines the macro-virus scanning ability of F-MACROW with F-PROT in one program. 2) The scanning technology itself has been improved, and the program now detects significantly more viruses that version 2 did. 2.28 would detect just over 10,000 different viruses, but 3.00 detects nearly 16,000 DOS/Windows viruses, over 1,000 Trojans and over 2,000 Word and Excel viruses, for a total of over 19,000. 3) Version 2 was a 16-bit program, compiled with Borland's C compiler, but version 3.00 is a 32-bit DOS-extender program, compiled with Watcom C and uses the CauseWay DOS extender. 4) Version 3.00 requires DOS 3 or better, and at least a 80386, where the previous version would work on a 8088, running DOS 2. We know that a small minority of our former users will not be able to use version 3 for this reason, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this. 5) The VIRSTOP program has been discontinued, and further updates to it will not be provided. Instead we offer a VxD replacement for those using Windows '95, named F-StopW. This program (unlike the old VIRSTOP) should have the same detection capabilities as the main scanner in F-PROT itself. 6) F-PROT 3.0 is now able to scan inside .ZIP and .ARJ archives, without having to rely on an external program. The F-PROT 3.00 pre-release anti-virus package consists of several files, which are: F-PROT.EXE The main program SIGN.DEF DOS/Windows virus search/disinfection information MACRO.DEF Word/Excel virus search/disinfection information ENGLISH.TX0 language files for English SETUPFS.EXE A self-installing version of the F-STOPW VXD for Windows '95 users. *.TXT Some documentation files. Please note: This is a pre-release, not the official release, which is probably around a week away. We hope the program is free of errors, we cannot guarantee that - please report any "bugs" you may find. The documentation is not yet finished and although users of F-PROT 2.x should not have any great difficulties in using the program as it is, others might want to wait until the official release is out. If you have any questions or problems with this pre-release, the best way to contact us is via E-mail to support@complex.is