Who is EuroTel
Who is EuroTel ?
EuroTel Praha, s r.o. is the first provider of a mobile phone network in the Czech Republic. While offering services EuroTel is motivated to fully satisfy the needs and wishes of its clients.EuroTel always offers you a modern telecommunication equipment based on top technologies.EuroTel has many shops where it offers services for you - our clients. Wherever you are within the Czech Republic, you will always be near to a EuroTel branded shop, accredited dealer or sales representative. At these places you will get advice on EuroTel services and operation of your mobile phone.If you want to get more detailed information , please, call the EuroTel Information Center or Customer Department.
October 23, 1997 - 400 million dollars for GSM development
November 6, 1997 - The largest cellular phone operator in the Czech republic - reports quarterly results
November 6, 1997 - EuroTel announces a revolutionary concept in mobile communications
January 5, 1998 - Mobile telephone for 1 CZK !
January 7, 1998 - International mobile access to the internet network
February 3, 1998 - EuroTel announces extremely successful results for 1997
February 3, 1998 - EuroTel continues aid to Moravia
February 3, 1998 - Telephone NOKIA 3110 - you save almost eight thousand coronas
February 23, 1998 - EuroTel has fulfilled licensing conditions
February 27, 1998 - Internet connection for only one Czech crown
March 2, 1998 - Changes in some important managerial positions
March 5, 1998 - Advantageous innovations for go service users
  November 1990 - EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o. was founded
  September 1991 - start of operation of NMT 450
  June 1995 - conclusion of an agreement on the sale of Data Network Division of SPT Telecom was concluded
  July 1996 - start of operation of GSM
  51% - SPT Telecom, a.s.
  49% - Atlantic West B.V. - a joint venture of American companies Bell Atlantic International. Inc. and US WEST International, Inc.
Other information
  number of employees: 900
  operated systems:
    NMT 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephony, 450 MHz)
GSM 900 (Global System for Mobile Communications, 900 MHz)
  invested capita: 1 210,4 mil. Kč
  1995 revenues: 2 975,6 mil. Kč

Company address :
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r.o.
Sokolovská 855/225
P.O. Box 49
19000 Praha 9, Czech Republic

Information Center:
Phone: + 420 2/ 6701 6666
Green line:
(free of charge if called from land line network in CR)
Information e-mail:

Customer Service Department:
Phone: +420 2/6701 6701
Green line:
(free of charge if called from land line network in CR)
Fax: +420 2/ 6701 6733
From Mobile Phone: *11

Copyright 1997 EuroTel Praha s.r.o.