SMS Plus


This service substantially enhances communication features of your mobile phone. The service enables to send a brief textual message to a fax, pager or to an E-mail address.

Sending a brief message to a fax
Create a text message in the form of FAX_fax number_text and send it to the number 999111 (without any pre-dial). Sending the message FAX_fax number_(recipient)_text, include in the field ”To:” of the fax template a recipient’s name. Messages can be sent to fax numbers within the Czech Republic, only.

Example: FAX_0267011167_(Peter Svoboda)_Testing message SMS Plus

Sending a brief text message to pager operator
Create a text message in the form of OPE_operator number_text and send it to the number 999111. Sending the OPE_operator number message, the operator owner receives a message containing the number of your mobile phone, only. Messages can only be sent to pagers of RDS system, belonging to Radiocontact Operator Company.

Sending a brief text message to an E-mail address
Sending a text message in the form of EML_address_text to the number 999111 means that your message is delivered to a stated E-mail address (in E-mail address, use ”#” character instead of ”_” character and replace ”@” character with ”*” character). The recipient will receive the message with the following subject ”Message – GSM InfoText eMAIL server” and your mobile phone number, without 0602 pre-dial, will be stated as its sender. Sending a message in the form of EML_address_(subject)_text, the characters contained in the parenthesis will be stated as the message subject.

Example: EML_peter#svoboda*mbox.vol.cz_(test)_testing message SMS Plus

A sending of a message to fax, pager or E-mail is always confirmed by a text message delivered to your mobile phone.

(Note: ”_” character represents a space)

The above-described services will be automatically made available to all users of TEXT service. Neither a special activation fee nor a monthly fee is charged. For sending fax, E-mail or pager, the user pays the same rate as applicable to sending a text message, i. e., CZK 2. - or free of charge up to the first 15 messages.

SMS Plus – your connection to the world

Copyright 1997 EuroTel Praha s.r.o.