by Collection from the Account

from the Account means, that:
you use a modern and
effective method of payment
you do not have to pay
for the phone regularly at a post-office or in a bank
you save your time and
you have control over
and an overview of expenses for the use of your mobile
you will not forget to
pay your bill
you are not in danger
of a disconnection of your mobile phone due to a failure
to pay bills
Conditions of
Collection Payment:
the collection payment may
be established for a definite or an indefinite period of
the minimal period for
collection payment is 3 charging periods
if you have several
phones on one account in the EuroTel Praha company, then
the collection payment applies to all the phones
if you do not have
sufficient funds in your bank account, you are not
relieved from the responsibility of paying the EuroTel
Praha company for the services (if you do not pay your
bill, a standard method of debt recovery will be applied)
How to Get the
Collection from the Account?
you have an open account
with a bank within the Czech Republic
you enable collection
from the account without limitation
you will ask your bank
to issue a "Certification of opening the account for
collection payments" in favour of the EuroTel Praha
send the confirmation
from the bank and a written "Application for
establishing payment by collection from the account"
by mail or by fax to the Customer service department, or
bring it to any company store or to an authorised dealer
of the EuroTel Praha company
Information on the Collection:
the bill for the period
during which you applied for the establishment of
collection payment will be paid by collection in case you
deliver the application to the EuroTel Praha company at
least 7 business days before the end of the payment
the bills paid by
collection will be marked with a note "Do not pay,
paid by collection"
if you receive the
regular bill for the services without this note, this
means that the collection service will be established
from the following payment period (in such a case, pay
the bill by a paying-in slip or by a bank transfer)
in case you change
your bank account for the collection, notify the EuroTel
Praha company of such a change at least 7 business days
before the end of the payment period in writing, and at
the same time deliver the new "Certification of
opening the account for collection payments" from
your bank
How to Cancel
the Payment by Collection from the Account?
the payment by collection
from an account may be cancelled by a written application
(or letter) to the Customer service department, or by
filling the form "Application for change" in
any company store or by any authorised dealer (or
business partner) of the EuroTel Praha company.
the cancellation of
the collection payment must be communicated to the
EuroTel Praha company at least 7 working days before the
end of the payment period for which the payment shall be
made for the last time
Warning: The
collection payment of bill does not restrict your right
to reclaim the bill if you disagree with its amount!
What Else Do
You Need to Know?
if you have any further
questions contact the Customer service department
available each day, 24-hours a day, at the phone numbers
02/9701 6701 or 11 (from a mobile
phone) and at the fax number 02/6701 6733
applications shall be send to the address:
EuroTel Praha, spol. s r. o.
service department
Pobřežní 3, P.O. Box 11
00 Praha 8