Haw to recharge your GO card

When the card credit is consumed, i. e., the display shows zero, you cannot make calls from the mobile phone.
A call to the GO Line (*88)is, however, free of charge, as an exception. The same applies to mobile phones supporting FDN function.
In case your mobile phone does not support FDN function, it is necessary, when the card credit is completely consumed and before making a call to the GO Line (*88) to switch the mobile phone off and on.

For a trouble-free calling, we recommend to always recharge the GO card on time.

You can use the GO card for the period of 6 months since the last credit recharge. During this period, you must recharge the GO card, using a new GO coupon. A recharge frequency is not limited. It is up to you, how much money you spend on calling. On each recharge, the GO card validity period gets extended by another 6 month period.

When you want to recharge your GO card, all you need to do is to buy the GO coupon (see GO Set distribution). The GO card recharge is very simple and fast.

1. Call number *88 or 02/6701 1188 (GOline)
2. On the scratching field of the GO coupon, provided with your GO card, scratch off the surface (e. g., using a coin).
3. Follow the instructions from the GO Line and select a recharging method for your GO card.
4. On request, enter the 14-digit number revealed on the scratching field.
5. Following the entering and confirmation of the 14-digit number, the GO coupon credit is charged to the GO card.
6. Hang up
7. Then, wait for a brief text message (SMS) confirming the recharge of the GO coupon value into your GO card and its activation. Read and delete the message.

Automated Information System, Recharging of the GO card 02/6701 1188 (from a fixed network)
or *88 ( toll-free call from a mobile phone within Czech Republic)

Note: Some mobile phones must be switched off and on, to make the currently charged value appear on the display of the phone.

Copyright 1997 EuroTel Praha s.r.o.