Forwarding to Voice mail


Conditional forwarding

1)The mobile phone is switched off or the mobile phone is outside of area covered by the signal-code 62
Activation +420 602 999999 [enter]
Deactivation [enter]
Check [enter]
2) If you don’t accept the call - code 61
Activation +420 602 999999 [enter]
Deactivation [enter]
Check [entert]
Incoming call will be forwarding after 30 seconds. For 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 seconds type:
+420 602 999999 t [enter]
t is 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25seconds
3) If your phone is busy - code 67
Activation +420 602 999999 [enter]
Deactivation [enter]
Check [enter]

Immediate forvarding - code 21

All incoming voice and fax calls are immediately and unconditionally diverted to your recording mail box.

Activation +420 602 999999 [enter]
Deactivation [enter]
Check [enter]
Deactivation all forvarding

Copyright 1997 EuroTel Praha s.r.o.