Information about New Messages


the recording mailbox automatically informs you of each newly received message
the information may be delivered to your mobile phone in one of two ways:
1) a short text message (free of charge)
2) callback (free of charge)

Short Text Message
immediately after the receipt of a message the Message service will send a short text message "You have new voice message" to your mobile phone
in case a new fax message is recorded to your fax mailbox, the message will read "You have new fax message"
in case your mobile phone is unable to receive the message at the moment, the system will try to deliver the message for the period of 48 hours

upon the receipt of a voice or fax message to your mailbox, the Recording service will call you immediately and will inform you of the new message
in case the first attempt for a connection is not successful, the Recording service will try to deliver the information again
the second call is made after 10 minutes, then after 30, 60, 120, and 240 minutes
even if the callback function is activated, the Recording service attempts to deliver a short text message – it is therefore possible that you will be informed both ways about the new message

Callback Activation
to deliver all new messages to your phone number, type in the main menu

to deliver all new messages to a substitute phone number, type

to enter the substitute telephone number, type in the main menu
, phone number and confirm by pressing

Callback Deactivation
in the main menu, type

Copyright 1997 EuroTel Praha s.r.o.