Outlook Express message list icons
Mail message icons

The following icons indicate message priority, whether messages have files attached, and whether messages are marked as read or unread.

This icon Indicates this
File attachment icon The message has one or more files attached.
High priority icon The message has been marked high priority by the sender.
icon The message has been marked low priority by the sender.
Message read icon The message has been read. The message heading appears in light type.
Unread message icon The message has not been read. The heading appears in bold type.
In progress message icon The message is in progress in the Draft folder.
Collapsed thread icon The message has responses that are collapsed. Click the icon to show all the responses (expand the thread).
Expanded thread icon The message and all of its responses are expanded. Click the icon to hide all the responses (collapse the thread).
Unread news message header on an IMAP server The unread message header is on an IMAP server.
Read news message marked for deletion on an IMAP server The opened message is marked for deletion on an IMAP server.
News message icons

The following icons indicate whether a thread (a topic and all of its responses) is expanded or collapsed, and whether messages and headers are marked as read or unread.

This icon Indicates this
Collapsed thread icon This level of the thread is collapsed. Click the icon to show all the responses (expand the thread).
Expanded thread icon This level of the thread is expanded. Click the icon to hide all the responses (collapse the thread).
Downloaded, unread message header icon The message has not been not opened. The heading appears in bold type.
Downloaded, read message header icon The message header has been marked read.
Read message; header and body stored icon The message has been marked read, and it is stored in a message file on your computer.
Unread news message; header and body stored icon The message has not been marked as read, and the header and body are stored in a message file on your computer.
Unavailable message icon The message is no longer available on the server.
News message marked for download The news message is marked to be downloaded.
News message and all threads marked for download The news message and all threads are marked to be downloaded.
News message without threads is marked for download The individual news message (without threads) is marked to be downloaded.
New newsgroup icon The newsgroup is new on the server.
News message in Draft folder icon The message is in progress in the Drafts folder.