Interchess version 2.1.7 Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Henry Wrightson All Rights Reserved =========================================================================== Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 2. LEGAL STUFF 3. FREEWARE 4. INSTALLATION 5. UN-INSTALLATION 6. TECHNICAL STUFF 7. FUTURE VERSIONS 8. DISTRIBUTION 9. FOOTNOTE & CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interchess is an internet chess program that uses email to play chess with another opponent. All you need is a valid email profile and a connection to the internet and your away. Either an email account on a local area network or a dial-up networking connection to your pop3 mail server will suffice. ...Well it was up until v1.3.2, then suddenly it jumped to 1.5.0 with the introduction of a vs. computer mode whereby you can play chess against the computer. Not to get too technical, it uses Depth-first, Mini-Max games search and state space evaluation algorithms to play the game and given a fast enough machine you can raise the search depth and play a fairly intelligent game of chess. This feature is not its primary feature, more an afterthought, so don't forget that above all, Interchess is in existence to provide a means to play chess with your friends. To this end, and due to the fact that the vs. computer mode is temperamental at best, this feature has all the heuristics exposed to the user for modification. I'm no grandmaster so the heuristics are a little shaky but with enough tweaking you should be able to adjust it to play a fair game of chess. As features go this one is mainly for fun. 2. Legal Stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interchess is protected under copyright law to such an extent that illegal reproduction or distribution of this application and any component thereof is strictly prohibited, (see DISTRIBUTION below). Interchess is copyrighted to Henry Wrightson 1998. Disclaimer of Warranty: THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 3. FREEWARE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This application is freeware but not public domain, it is still protected under international copyright law. Freeware merely entitles you to use the application at no cost to yourself. See the document LICENCE.TXT and the DISTRIBUTION section of this document for full details of ownership. Although it is freeware, any donations would be greatfully received. Who knows, if I actually get any money I might do version 3 and include the features I've mentioned in the future versions section of this document. Send an email to and I will tell you where to send your money. 4. Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply run the SETUP.EXE program and follow the on-screen prompts. If you have downloaded this from the Internet it may be in the form of a single downloadable file, in which case consult the INSTALL.TXT document for full details. It is essential that you are not running any other applications otherwise you may get sharing violation errors as the setup application tries to copy on top of files that are currently being used. Simply quit everything you are using, including hidden apps that may appear in the system tray and you should be safe. If a sharing violation does occur, abort the installation and make sure you are definitely not running anything else, if you are not, then re-run the setup and choose to ignore the sharing violation and this should get round the problem. Additional chess sets are also available, and although these are simple enough to install they are not contained within an installation program. They are simple zip files that can be extracted to the directory into which Interchess was initially installed. 5. Un-installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why would you ever want to uninstall such a fantastic piece of software! Assuming you do then simply run the Add/Remove software control panel and choose to remove Interchess. 6. Technical Stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimum specification: Pentium 90Mhz 8Mb RAM 6Mb free HD space Ethernet Windows 95 Recommended specification: Pentium 166 32Mb RAM 10Mb free HD space Sound 2Mb graphics Ethernet Windows 98 Because of the nature of mail transports this application requires a mail client to be running for it to work. This may not be the case if your mail profile is set up to use Dial-up networking but in this case, any mail created by Interchess while 'off-line' will remain in the outbox of your default mail client until you choose to send it. While logged onto a LAN, Without a mail client running, the application will launch but it will be "off-line", until you run a client and logon from the system tray menu. Because, a mail client will be running at the same time as Interchess, there is an added side effect of allowing you access to chess moves that arrive in your inbox BEFORE Interchess has had a chance to grab them. You can imagine that tampering with the email in any way prior to letting Interchess have it can only end in tears. I, therefore, suggest you don't, but then, it's your life do what you will. The chess move email is encrypted so it won't make a great deal of sense to you anyway. Just remember that Interchess sends its moves by standard email and as such the chess move must undergo the same processes any other email would be subjected to, this includes being visible in the Inbox and Outbox from time to time. While using a Dial-up networking email profile, when you first launch Interchess, a connection to the internet will be automatically requested and you will have the choice of whether to connect to the internet or to remain offline. While off line Interchess will work as normal but no email will be sent until you explicitly tell your email client to send it. Likewise nothing will be received unless you are logged onto your email server. At regular intervals Interchess has to extract new moves from the inbox and to make sure this is as fast as possible, it will only deal with emails that are unread. This means that if a new chess move arrives, don't read it or mark it as read because Interchess will simply ignore it. If you choose to retrieve new moves from the menu, this limitation will be ignored and all mail, read or otherwise, will be checked. If your computer seems sluggish while running Interchess try reducing the number of unread emails in your INBOX. Also increase the interval between each check that Interchess makes by selecting Options... from System tray icon. 7. Future Versions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure but I'm thinking about version 3 and the new features, these may well include some or all of the following; Optional off-line play. Play against someone who doesn't or cannot run Interchess. Improved Computer play, better, faster AI. Better board font for printing the game. Additional graphics for the user interface. Hint options such as highlighting piece vulnerability, attack and deffence More chess sets. 8. Distribution --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of this software and documentation as you wish; give exact copies of the original version to anyone, provided no remuneration is exacted; and distribute this software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission. The mass-distribution of this product via any medium is strictly prohibited without prior consent of the author. The term "mass-distribution" applies to the distribution of this application in such a fashion that it would reach multiple unknown parties. 9. Footnote --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a user of Interchess you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions; 1. Interchess is pretty cheep, (FREEWARE), so if you like it why not send me a donation. This will of course be VERY well received! 2. You use this program at your own risk but I suggest that it won't do anything untoward to your system, but I'm afraid, for the sake of the law, I must reiterate the disclaimer stated above in the Legal Stuff section of his document. 3. You are required to entertain the possibility of learning to play chess a little better. Please feel free to drop me an e-line any time with your comments to one of the following email addresses; Also don't forget to keep and eye on my website for updates and additional Interchess components such as new chess sets and boards. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have fun... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23rd September, 1999 Henry Wrightson ---------------------------------------------------------------------------