How to play

Robocrush is a fairly simple game to master. The idea of the game is to match three bleeps (the little colored robots) of like color to increase your score and level.


Matching bleeps is done by launching them into position with a mallet coming out of the Robocrush 5000's head. To move Robocrush, simply move the mouse; To launch a bleep, click the left mouse button. Bleeps are launched to the top of the playing area or until they hit a bleep above them. Bleeps can be matched in various ways, as long as three are touching each other, a match will be made. When 3 bleeps are matched you will have 100 points added to you score and they will drop off the screen.


Along with red, green, purple, yellow, and blue bleeps, there is a special gray bleep called a 'Gray'. Grays are special in that you cannot match them with other Grays. Also, they will eventually change into normal, colored bleeps that can be matched with other bleeps.

The Laser

The laser near the bottom half of the playing area tells when the game is over. Each time a bleep is launched the laser moves up a little, giving you less playing area. When a bleep that has been launched overlaps the laser, or the laser moves over the last row of bleeps, the game is over. You can restart the game with your current score and level. The laser is reset to its starting position when you change levels.


Every 3000 points you gain a level, this will be signified by a background change, along with this the laser will move up faster. Also, you can exit the game at anytime by pressing "Control-Q".

Have Fun!


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