[T_MI_mainmenu]"Main Menu" [T_B_singlescenario]"Single Scenario" [T_B_instandaction]"Instant Action" [T_B_Campaign]"Campaign" [T_B_Scores]"Credits" [T_B_Multiplayer]"Multiplayer" [T_B_Options]"Options" [T_B_readme] "Readme.TXT" [T_B_Escape]"Quit" [T_MI_QuitBox]"Really quit?" [T_B_yes] "Yes" [T_B_no] "No" [T_MI_LOADINGBOX] "Please wait" [T_B_LOADINGBOX] "Loading ..." [T_MI_MessageBox] "Dummy MB" [T_B_MessageBox_OK] "Ok" [T_F_MessageBoxDummy] "Dummy" [T_GL_ONEBUTTON_FOR_OK] "Ok" [T_GL_INFOLEISTE] "Dummy, gut für Nix" [T_ERROR] "Error" [T_E_NOALIAS] "Choose an Alias" [T_E_NO_SCNS_AVAIL] "No Scenarios Available" [T_E_CANNOT_JOIN] "Can't Join Scenario" [T_E_CANNOT_START] "Can't Start Scenario" [T_E_ENTER_URL] "Enter an URL" [T_E_H_DELETED] "Cannot delete Host!" [T_E_NO_SELECT] "No Player selected!" [T_E_InvalidSavegame] "Invalid SaveGame" [T_E_TOOMANYPL] "too many Players in this Game, try other Nationality" [T_E_LOSTCONNECTION] "Lost connection, try again later" [T_INFO] "Info" [T_I_GERMAN_SIDE] "Axis side:" [T_I_US_SIDE] "Allied side:" [T_I_INGAME] "in Game: " [T_I_FROMMAX] " max: " [T_I_FIGHTFOR_US] "Fights for Allied" [T_I_FIGHTFOR_GERMAN] "Fights for Axis" [T_I_REMAIN] " Remaining: " [T_I_NOTHINGCHOSEN] "Nothing selected" [T_I_CUS] "Johnson" [T_I_G] "Meier" [T_I_NO_SIDE] "Warriors joined:" [T_SENDER] "Sender" [T_SAVE_KB] "Save Keyboard Settings?" [T_MI_INFOBox] "Please wait" [T_F_INFODummy] "working..." [T_LOAD_DEFAULT] "Load default settings?" [T_MI_YesNoBox] "Dummy" [T_B_Yes_yesNoBox] "Yes" [T_B_No_yesNoBox] "No" [T_Formation] "Formation:" [T_north] "North" [T_south] "South" [T_east] "East" [T_west] "West" [T_German] "German" [T_US] "Us" [T_Star] "Star" [T_random] "Random" [T_hours] "H" [T_minutes] "Min" ***************** fürs MP_HOST_MAIN- Menu ************************ [T_num_playersn] "Num players:" [T_Mapname] "Map Name:" [T_killscorelimit] "KillScorelimit:" [T_Conquer] "Conquer Area:" [T_nodate] "No Date set" [T_Buylimit] "Buy- limit" [T_conquerUS] "Conquer Area: allied" [T_conquerG] "Conquer Area: axis" [T_conquerhome] "Conquer Home Areas" [T_Home] "Home Area" [T_vic_conditions] "Victory Conditions:" [T_No_Limit] "No Timelimit" [T_TimeLimit] "Timelimit:" [T_mins] "mins" [T_histdate] "Historical Date:" [T_Respawntime] "Respawn Time:" ********** weitere ************* [T_None] "None" [T_PTANK] "Player:" [T_WMTANK1] "WM1:" [T_WMTANK2] "WM2:" [T_WMTANK3] "WM3:" [T_WMTANK4] "WM4:" [T_Credit_Left] "Points Left:" [T_gin] "G in:" [T_gfrom] "G max:" [T_usin] "US in:" [T_usfrom] "US max:" [T_Peace_all] "Peacezones: respawn points and resupply points" [T_Peace_supply] "Peacezones only for resupply points" [T_Peace_spawn] "Peacezones only for respawn points" [T_Peace_no] "No Peace zones" [T_I_SOLEAVES] "leaves Game" [T_I_HOSTLEAVES] "Host leaves game" [T_I_SOWASKICKED] "was kicked" *************readme- Menu *********** [T_MI_SHOWTEXT] "readme.txt" [T_OB_BACKSTMENU] "Back" [T_SF_SHOWTEXT] "FEEDBACK INFO Please read the document which comes with this public beta for more details First, try to recreate the bug. If you can it helps us finding it when you describe how you recreated it. Then look at the list below and find out in which category your bug belongs and use the email adress listed for that categroy. The category will also list what FILES you should send to us so we can verify your system configuration. Describe the problem you encounter in detail and send the email to the adress listed. It helps us if you list your system configuration as well like: CPU type, Memory, 3D Card type, directX Version, Soundcard Suggestions For any suggestions you might have please use this email adress: suggestions@wingssimulations.com 3D Hardware/Software Renderer Any problem ecountered with 3D hardware accelerators or the software renderer should be reported to this email adress. You will help us if you include the following files as ATTACHMENTS immediately AFTER the prolbem occured: Data\cpu.ini Data\hwconfig.ini Data\EnumDirectXlog.txt Data\Desertfoxlog.txt Data\Setting.hal Email to: 3d@wingssimulations.com Controls Any problem associated with keyboard, mouse or joystick should be emailed to: controls@wingssimulations.com Gameplay Any issues with gameplay like crashes, physics, simulation oddities, shooting, terrain or vehicles should be emailed to the below adress. Include the following file: Data\Campaign.ini Data\Desertfoxlog.txt Data\Setting.hal Email to: gameplay@wingssimulations.com Sound Any issues you have with sound should be emailed along with your soundcard type to: sound@wingssimulations.com Artificial Intelligence Any issues you have with pathfinding or behaviour of your wingman or AI controlled units should be emailed to: AI@wingssimulations.com Multiplayer ANY multiplayer issues should be emailed to: Multiplayer@wingssimulations.com Misc Anything which does not fit into the above categories like issues with the menu, keyboard reconfiguration etc. please email to: Misc@wingssimulations.com"